Raspberry Headache

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At six o'clock, Carlos honked the horn. I grabbed my cell phone and said goodbye to my mom. As I expected, she followed me to the door and waved at Marley and Carlos.

"I told you." I said shutting the door as I got in the car. "She had to make sure it was you."

"Well, she is right to be paranoid." Marley turned and looked at me. "You are lying to her."


"I brought you three choices in bathing suits. Don't worry, none of them are string bikinis or anything. Personally, I think you should wear the black and white one. It would fit you well, and the hot pink highlights will make you look tan." I shoved the plastic bag in my backpack. It felt weird talking about bikinis in front of Carlos, like we were discussing my underwear or something. I looked in his direction and noticed he was smiling in the mirror. Marley followed my gaze. "Gross!" She smacked Carlos behind his head. "This is my friend we're talking about. Get your thoughts out of the gutter."

"Hey!" He protested. "No hitting the driver. Especially when I am doing you a favor." He gave her a gentle punch in the shoulder. "And, I don't know what you think I was thinking about, but I can tell you it was perfectly chaste." He smirked.

Carlos had agreed to take me to Gavin's house because it was closer than his anyway. I hadn't seen Gavin's house before. There was something exciting about it. I knew he lived in just another suburban home, but it was still his house. It was only ten minutes away, and as expected, it was a nondescript two story cookie cutter house. It was blue with white trim. There was a large, red, metal star by the front door. It looked kind of country.

"Hey, I am outside." I texted Gavin.

"Be right there."

Moments later, Gavin, with his wavy dark hair, and punk rock clothes, came out the front door. He looked out of place.

"Thanks guys." I said. I handed Marley my phone. "Don't forget, if my mom calls, let it go to voicemail. Text her back saying that we're watching a movie or something. I am sure she will call." Marley nodded. "I will text you from Gavin's phone when I am coming over later. Don't wait up, but leave the door open."

"Okay boss." She gave me a salute and chuckled.

"Thanks again. I owe you."

"I know."

Gavin approached the car, leaning in through Marley's open window. "Hey Carlos, thanks for bringing Addy to me."

"No problem." Carlos shrugged his shoulders. "It would be nice if you could bring me a hot chick in return. It's only fair."

Gavin laughed. "I will see what I can do." He turned and glanced in my direction. "Just don't expect to get anyone as hot as Addy."

My skin tingled at the compliment.

"Yeah, yeah, I had better not respond to that, or my sister will kill me." Marley gave Carlos a little shove.

"Bye Addy, have fun." They left us standing in Gavin's driveway.

Gavin walked toward me with a determined look on his face. I felt myself shiver in response. He didn't stop moving until he was only inches away. Then he wrapped me in his arms and gave me a passionate kiss. The kind you see in the movies. My legs turned to jello and he had to hold me to keep me from falling. He pulled back and we were both breathless. His forehead rested on mine as he continued to hold me tight.

"I guess you missed me." I smiled up at him.

He laughed. "Yeah, you could say that." He pulled me to his side, wrapping one arm around me and headed towards his house. "My mom is supposed to be back shortly. I have been watching my little sister. The other two are gone this weekend." He stopped mid stride and turned me towards him again. Brushing his hand across my cheek, he leaned in and kissed me briefly. "I know I saw you yesterday, but we haven't spent any time alone together this week. Not more than a minute between classes anyway, and I have been dying to have you to myself." Gavin closed the front door behind us and called out. "Rachel, I have someone for you to meet!"

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