Military Buildup Reported In Northern Valyria

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September 994

Ever since the collapse of Lapasia border tensions have existed between Valyria and the kingdom of Ezora ever since the Valyrian monarchy was overthrown neighboring governments have been weary of the possibility of Valyria spreading there new ideology with the omniist party having engaged in a massive armament program and it has been reported that garrisons on the Valyrian side of the border have been increasing dramatically and Ezoran officials are alarmed at what they call preparations for a nothing short of total invasion while Valyrian chancellor edmund meyer has claimed that they are merely maneuvering troops to prepare for recent military exercises but cloudet blackstorm the king of Ezora has issued a partial mobilization order and border divisions have been put on high alert tensions are white hot between Valyria and Ezora and only time will tell what the future has in store 

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