Hiyoko bullying Mikan and Monokuma causes Diespair

976 27 31

4:36 p.m

Cute Nurse:I-I'm s-s-sorryyy!

Music Queen:Don't apologize Mikan! You didn't do anything wrong!

Gaymes:Does anyone wanna play Roblox with me?

Music Queen:Yeah!

Mean:Sure! As long as we play a game that isn't boring!

Nice:If Hiyoko will I will too!

Gaymes:Nagito, Fuyuhiko, Hajime?

YASQUEEN:I don't see why not..

AngryBossBaby:Sure I guess...

Hope:I wouldn't want to ruin the mood...

Gaymes:You won't ruin the mood though, don't worry!

Hope:If you insist...
Hope:I'll go

- —— -

"Mikan, your terrible at this! You shot Mahiru!!"Hiyoko yelled rolling her eyes

"F-Forgive m-meee!"Mikan wailed covering her face in defense

"You guys are taking Murder Mystery pretty seriously..."Mahiru let out a nervous chuckle. They has been playing Murder Mystery for at least one hour, all of them more serious then usual, asides from Mahiru.

"........."Chiaki's eyes were fixated on her screen, extremely concentrated

"Ibuki found a gun!"

"Then use it, you idiot!"

"But Hiyoko, Ibuki might shoot the wrong person!"

Hiyoko and Ibuki started to bicker while Mikan and Mahiru desperately tried to calm them down, resulting in Ibuki and Hiyoko getting killed

"WHAAAAA!? I DIEEED!"Ibuki wailed
"What the hell! Mikan, you got me killed!!"Hiyoko Shouted
"I-I'm s-sorry!!!!

"Can you idiots shut up?"Fuyuhiko huffed

"Upupu! This is soooo~ despairful!"Monokuma laughed
"Shut up you build a bear reject!"Fuyuhiko and Hiyoko yelled in sync
"What did I ever do to you stupid kids!?"Monokuma sulked shaking his hands and balling it into a fist

"I have a gun!"Nagito happily announced
"Now how do I point this at myself-"

"Nagito..."Chiaki stared at him, visibly concerned

"We ran out of time.."Chiaki sleepily mumbled, flopping onto her bed

"Well, you guys can come back later if you want to play again, I'm gonna take a nap.."Chiaki lazily waved her arm watching them all leave her cottage, one by one

"Hey,Hey!! Chiaki! Can Ibuki stay here for a while?"Ibuki questioned sitting next to Chiaki on the bed, scooting closer to Chiaki

"Sure..,I don't see why not..."Chiaki mumbled, smiling at Ibuki

- —— -

Walking to the diner for dinner was chaotic, with Monokuma following them around everywhere.
Fuyuhiko and Hajime were dragged into Nagito's rants about hope so they were now walking with Komaeda happily following them around.
Mikan was squished in the middle with Hiyoko, often bumping into her, causing Hiyoko to randomly shout insults at Mikan with Mahiru trying to defend Mikan.
Unluckily, Fuyuhiko and Hiyoko were also next to each other causing the two to argue with Hajime and Mahiru trying to break it up.
Monokuma was ranting about....What was it? The "Despair remnants?" Hajime never got a answer of what it was due to Usami dragging away Monokuma and yelling at him.
Suddenly they stopped.
Mikan had tripped and was rolling towards TeruTeru
"Mikan!?"Mahiru called out for her only to have a loud yelp as a response. Mahiru then ran towards Mikan to help her up
"I bet that nasty pervert got to her!"Hiyoko huffed running after Mahiru

- —— -
7:38 p.m

Nice:Today was....Uh..Quite the adventure..

Gaymes:Yeah...I heard a lot of yelling..

Music Queen:Ibuki and Chiaki hung out a lot!

Monokuma:Haha! H u n g
-Monomi is online-
Monokuma: :(

-Cute Nurse is online-
Cute Nurse:U-Uhm! D-Does a-anyone w-want the c-cookies H-H-Hanamura made?

Mean:Probably everyone does, you stupid pig barf! You should stop asking so many stupid questions and do something useful like crawling into a trashcan!

Cute Nurse:I-I-I'm so s-s-sorrryyyy!

Cute Swordswoman:Saionji.

Mean:I'm just kidding!

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