z e r o

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campus colony of omaha
5 years ago.

Defense class with Felix had run over schedule today. The class practiced evasion in the gym, escaping the clutches of their partner who they were paired up with. Everyone filed out of the gym doors one by one, Felix patting them on their backs and telling them they did well.

Max's walk to her room was a long breezy one. She shared it with her older brother Billy. He was a security force officer which granted the two siblings a nice room. It was a few minutes away from the school and Max had realized too late that she had left her red bomber jacket flung haphazardly onto the gym bleachers. She didn't bother going back for it, knowing that Felix would drop it off at her room before dark, and if not, then she would grab it in the morning before classes started.

She walked up the steps of her building, passing a few people in the hallway, greeting them as she went. The buildings occupants were kind, treating Max well, providing her with what she needed when Billy was out on duty.

"Excuse me" Max said quietly, the person in her way moved over so she could get to the door.

"Hi dear, how have you and Billy been?" Max looked to her left seeing John, one of her older neighbors. She gave him a kind smiling while fishing around in her pocket for the room key.

"Hi John, I've been alright. Billy's been.." She trailed off a bit not knowing how to answer.

"Distant" She finished.

She shrugged, "Since his last mission. Wont talk about it." John gave her an understanding nod and patted her on the shoulder.

"I'm sure he'll come around" He said with a smile and Max mirrored his.

"You knock if you need dinner, you hear?" Max nodded and John walked down the hallway to his room.

Max pulled the silver key from her back pocket, pushing it into the keyhole and turning to the right. It clicked, signaling the door unlocked and she pushed her way in, pocketing the key. The sight that greeted her was messy. She closed the door behind her with a click. Couch cushions overturned and some on the floor, papers strewn about, and pill bottles and pills were scattered all over the kitchen counter. She sighed with a frown on her face. Billy was probably hungover, again. She returned the cushions to their rightful place, stacked the papers in a neat pile and got to work on the pills. She pushes them together using the side of her hands and dropped them back into their containers.

"Billy" She called out. "You alright?"

She got a groan from the bathroom where she suspected he was at, probably draped over the toilet. She sighed blowing a raspberry with her lips and grabbed his favorite mug that was placed on the drying rack, filling it with cold tap water. She walked out of the kitchen and through the hallway stopping outside the bathroom. She leaned forward pressing the side of her face on the door trying to hear what he was up to. She could hear shuffling and groans.

"Billy" Max said, rapping her knuckles on the door. "I got you some water"

Getting no answer from him, she grasped the door handle in her hand and turned it halfway to see it was unlocked.

"I'm coming in" Max turned the door handle the rest of the way and cracked the door open.

"Hope you're decent" She said with an awkward laugh. She peered inside seeing Billy with his back to her, hunched over the sink.

"Hey" she said softly. She looked around the small bathroom to see more pill bottles and pills scattered around.

"Jesus Bill it stinks in here" scrunching her nose up at the whiff she caught from the crack of the door. He stiffened leaning up to his full height. She looked at him through the bathroom mirror. He was pale, horribly pale, eyes gray and drooping. It was like he...

"Oh my god"

had died.

Billy's reanimated corpse turned completly around, his now gangly arms outstretched towards the frozen girl. He let out a loud growl throwing himself at the bathroom door. She gasped, tightening her grip on the handle and tried to close the door before he could get to her but his right arm managed to get through, his hand swatting at her.

"What the fuck!" Max screeched, her back bumping into the hallway wall behind her. She hugged it, side stepping to the left down the hallway and out into the main room. Billy managed to get the door open, slamming into the side of the door and then into the wall Max had just been standing at. He limped towards her, arms still outstretched, his left leg trailing behind him, scraping against the floor.

Still walking backwards, Max looked behind herself onto the floor to make sure she didn't trip over the carpets frayed edges. Stepping over them carefully, shes alerted to how close Billy has gotten by his growl. He stepped over the edge of the carpet with his right foot, but his left, still dragging behind him gets caught. He falls forwards grabbing max and sending them both to the floor. She let out a grunt at the impact. The fall makes her drop the mug that she was still holding, it rolls under the couch and the cold water splashes everywhere.

Max threw her arms out in front of her, grasping onto Billy's shoulders to keep his snapping teeth away from her. With him so close to her face, Max now knew that the foul smell that came from the bathroom was really coming off of him.

Billy was bigger than Max, stronger than her. Standing at 5'10 with broad shoulders, he was basically all muscle. She could feel it too. His weight and him throwing himself at her face trying to get a bite. It was tiring Max out. Her arms were starting to hurt. She gave a small push, managing to get her left leg in between the both of them, increasing the distance between the two. She closed her eyes, tears she didn't even know she was shedding rolled down her cheeks. She gritted her teeth and used the last bit of energy she had left to throw him off of her and onto the floor. His body slammed down shaking the nearby table. She used her feet to push myself backwards, her back hitting the edge of the couch and her hands bumping into the mug that had rolled under there from my fall. She gripped it, pulling it out from under the couch and scrambled onto her knees hoisting herself up onto Billy, using her weight to keep him down. She heaved out a broken cry.

"I'm so sorry" Max sobbed out, clasping her hands tightly around the mug and brought it down onto his forehead making a dent, but he still chomped his teeth and clawed at her thighs. She brought the mug down again, and again, and again sobbing and grunting loudly each time. He stopped moving at around the 10th hit.

His face was unrecognizable. It was like she had cracked his whole entire skull and his face had caved in. Blood, bones, and brain matter covered her. Speckled all up her arms, and face like freckles. Her jeans and shirt were dripping with it. The room wasn't much better. The furniture, floor, walls, and ceiling were painted with it too. It looked like a scene out of a horror movie.

The door opened from beside her.

"Hey, Max, just dropping off-"

Max turned her head looking at who had entered, the mug still in her hands as she sat on top of Billy's now dead body.

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⏰ Last updated: May 04, 2021 ⏰

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