Chapter 2

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Ryoko P.O.V

"ugh....really? of all the things she can do, she punch me IN.THE.GUTS! Gah, who am i kidding! I take back when i say that woman isnt that bad!" I angrily think while sitting up

"OJOU-SAMA! YOUR AWAKE!" a familiar voice say while shaking my body roughly

"what the......RAVEN?!" I shockly said, if I remember she was dead! oh jeez am i dreaming?!

Before i could do anything else, Raven hugged me so hard that i hardly can breath

"R-Raven.......cAnT bReAtH-"

"I-Im sorry ojou-sama! i was so worried about you!" eh....what happend to me?

"what happend to me?" i bluntly said

"you....dont remember...?" she say in a confused tone

"was i suppose to remember Raven?" i dumbly say

"A-ah! stay here! im going to call mary!" (in case you dont know Mary is, She's Ryoko's Personal Maid, pretty neat huh?)

"w-wait! dont! just.....stay okay Raven" i was panicking, because Raven can be pretty......over-protective to say the least

"your wish is my command ojou-sama" she bow politely

"hey! what did i say about that!" i say with my arms crossed in my chest while tapping my finger

"Im not allowed to be polite if we're not in your study room....." she shamefully look at the floor

"okay, hit me up Raven!" i cheerfully say to her, i really need to catch up of what happened to me....

~Time Skip by Shuichi's emo hat~

"ooooh.....say what now?" okay, what the fuck is going on?

"*sigh* you were out cold for a week ojou-sama...." she sigh at my lackness to collect information, is this a joke?

" is MY fault you got in trouble...." she sigh again

"hey, and whats the other rule Raven...." i say demandingly while closing my eyes

"I cant punish myself for the trouble you caused, but if i just!-" i cut her before she can punish herself again

"nope nah ah! if i make a choice and it end up of me getting in trouble, its MY fault not yours Raven" i shut her up by placing my finger to her soft lips, heh, so that rumour was true......

"im sorry...! im just.....afraid your not going to wake up again......" she sadly say, if I dont know her, I would thought she's gonna cry

"hey, im a tough girl, a scratch wouldnt kill me you silly crow!" i hugged her while gigling my heart away.

"Im just.....happy to be back" i continue while smiling sadly at her. Its been awhile since I see her...

"hai'......okaerinasai ojou-sama...." she say while returning my hug with a happy face

"ne, Raven. Can you do me a favor?" i ask her, not letting her go from the hug i've been yearning for all this years that i dont see her

"of course ojou-sama, thats why im here" Raven glance at me, confused on what im going to say

"where....are we?" i carefully say, not to cause suspicion

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