Body Swap AU

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{this took so long and it isn't even good... i learned that writing for Sonia Gundham is so difficult because they have extremely diverse ways of speaking} 

It was a lovely morning after Mikan's execution and even though I am profoundly disheartened I wanted to appreciate the dawn. I sat in my cottage hoping that something or someone would entertain me. 

The morning announcements will be firing up soon in any case, so I ought to get moving to the restaurant. I got up off the bed; the cottage had provided, and over to the wooden door. 

I turn the door handle open and get a whiff of the quieting sea breeze; a trace of its saltiness was breathed in. I left my room and went out to the deck where the entirety of our rooms was found. 

My neighbor Akane Owari was standing out by her entryway doing what appeared to be a physical bouncing activity performed by hopping to a position with the legs spread wide and the hands going overhead and afterward to the first position. 

It was strange that she wasn't already at the restaurant with that insatiable appetite of hers. I didn't stress a lot over it, however. I strolled along the deck and over to the Hotel Mirai. 

It was a beautiful day that I might just ask the girls out to the beach. Not that there were many girls left.

 All that was left was Chiaki, Akane, and myself. Peko, Mikan, Mahiru, Ibuki, and Hiyoko all passed on either being the blackened or by being a victim. 

These days it gets pretty desolate here on this island. It is so abandoned and we are simply being compelled to murder each other, it is so extremely remorseless. 

Well, I suppose I can't say I am completely isolated because I have warmed up to a man that has adorable little hamster sidekicks.

 His name is Gundham Tanaka 

He typically specifies his name a couple of times each day alluding to something he refers to as the 'Four Dark Devas of Destruction'. Doubtlessly he means those cute little animals he hauls around. 

I like Gundham a lot since we share numerous similarities. We love examining exciting and new mysterious occult articles that have been shrouded away in books that I have never seen before. 

Perhaps I shall invite him to join me at the library. 

I was nearly at the eatery steps when somewhere far off I saw Chiaki. 

"H-Hey What is up-!"

 I yell boisterously. I feel that is a commoner's specialty when talking coolly, yet my endeavors were disregarded by the gamer girl. 

Her face was stuck to the screen, so it was no use attempting to waste my energy. 

I ascended the restaurant steps and there were a couple of individuals inside. There was food on the table, yet who knows how everything gets arranged. 

Nagito and Hajime were sitting over by the window. Hajime had orange juice, his favorite, and Komaeda had a bagel. 

They had such an unusual diet.

 The other person in here was Gundham. He sat at a table alone with his hamsters cutting up little bits of his food to nurture them.

 I didn't have any other person to sit with because the restaurant was becoming more and more empty these days so I headed toward Gundham. 

"Greetings Gundham, may I sit beside you?" 

Gundham gazes upward from his purple scarf and nods. 

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 22, 2020 ⏰

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