Fire is Beauty But The Smoke Is Not

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Fire is Beauty But The Smoke Is Not

I find fire a beautiful thing,

The way it dancing at night,

With it's dress of reds,


And orange.

The way it warms you from the chilly air,

And entertains ones imagination.

But the smoke...

The vile,


Foul thing that is the aftermath I cannot stand!

It creeps up on you,

Slowly but surely engulfing all you care about,

Suffocating their lungs,

And yet they don't even care?

They find the smell 'nice' and 'refreshing',

But I will never understand,

How smoke that chokes your lungs of fresh air will ever smell good.

But it's not even that it's bad for you that bothers me most,

Well it does a lot actually but,

It's that the ones I find that I am close to does it decide to lure in!

Making it feel like the smoke is the only thing these people look at and find beautiful,

Not the flames.


This is why I find the flames more beautiful than the smoke it produces,


Flames are dangerous,

But you purposefully breathe them do you?

Author's Note:

If you can't guess, I'm not a big fan of smoke, cigarette smoke that is. No I do not just stick my head into regular smoke and take a big whiff, but small doses of regular smoke from different tree types I don't mind at's just I hate the smell of cigarette smoke. And I'm a little fed up with it because people I care about, do smoke =.=*. I swear to God they are the worse things that humans have ever made...or will ever make. Gah! Anywhich I won't bore you with my anti-smoking rant, still, the moral of this poem is that I dislike that type if smoke, but I had to have the poem make sense :P.

Till the next update people (hopefully won't be me being pi**ed off about something xD)...


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