Sleep walkers

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'Dream?' Came a familiar voice out of the shadows
Dream opened his mouth to speak  but then reluctantly shut it
He opened it once again and spoke
'George , is that you?'
A body came out from the shadows , he was wearing a grey shirt , his eyes were like a pool of honey
Perfect , just like the rest of him.
Dream took a step closer to george , body's touching
Hands trembling , each breath hitching as the boys stood front facing each other
'We're finally together, alone' George whispered
A silence fell upon the room
George lifted his cold hand to dreams shoulder
He flinched , dream hasn't felt human touch in ages quarantine fucked him up.
Dream lifted his warm finger and brushed it against George's lips , they felt soft , soft enough to kiss and never stop
'Kiss me' dream whispered in George's ear
George took a handful of the other boys hoodie and kissed his lips , they were so soft , he could do it for hours.

Dream woke up , in a sweat
'No no not again , please take me back please take me back' dream whimpered
he punched his pillow in anger , he just wants to feel affection
He groaned while getting out of bed
He can't stop thinking about is best friend
Why george ? Why him.
He kicked of his dirty sweats and found a pair of jeans and a black hoodie , he put the jeans of reluctantly, wanting to be with george
One last time .
He walked to his monitor and sat down , he checked his phone message from : sapdaddy today at 2:45pm
' I'm gonna stream today , do you wanna join? :) '
He sighed and replied back 'sure'
He typed in his password and went on to discord
5o+ missed messages from george
'Fuck fuck fuck'.  Dream whispered
He called george to make sure he was okay
'Hi' george said
'Are you alright are you hurt , george please'
He felt a pain in his stomach a wave of nervousness approached him, the dream , dont mention the dream.
'Im fine , what are you doing up so early? Isnt it like
2:00am for you?' He chuckled
'I woke up early ' dream whispered
'Oh, check your Snapchat ' the other boy spoke
Dream opened his notification from george 🦡
It was a picture of george only showing his lower jawline with a text saying 'wake up >:('
Dream screenshotted it
'NOoOOOo, DREAM NO!' He moaned
Dream laughed
He needed this , a distraction from the dream
But all he could fucking think about was kissing george.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 19, 2020 ⏰

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