At it Again! (A/N)

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Hello everyone, Alpaca here! This will prove to be a mistake, as I can hardly keep up with one story, but here I am. This is a Percy Jackson and Marvel crossover, and while it will feature all of the Avengers, I hope to keep the relationship with Peter and Percy the main focus

A quick trigger warning: This book will contain allusions to abuse, alcoholism, gore, and violence. I don't plan on making this too explicit (and will add a warning if I do.) In addition, if there is one I missed, please tell me and I will add it here! Thank you! 

If you spot mistakes, let me know (kindly) and I will be sure to fix it! (Unless its for ~~style~~, which is unlikely.) Thank you! 

Plug: If you like Percy Jackson and Supernatural, I have another story called "Secrets", which can be found on my account, or under the tag "alpacawrotethis". (Along with my other, short writing, such as a poem, a short story, and more!)

Please enjoy the story! 

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