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"So this..." Drift, the ever so calm blue dragon friend you have, gives the item a questionable look "...is a cube of entertainment?"

Giggling to yourself you shake your head, laughing "No Drifty!That's a T.V!" before turning it on to show a cartoon called Steven Universe "See!Entertainment!"

Drift was alarm by the t.v but seems to relax after seeing no signs of harm coming from it.Hound and Crosshairs did not really seem interested in being welcomed into your small home, or coven as they say, after your sister left to get better cleaning supplies for the massive mess you made early that day.But to sum it up, Drift is in your house right at this moment.

"Drifty this is my room and.." doing a little twirl your hands were sent into the air "...This is were I play videogames!"

Drift tilt his head, confuse "..Games?..."

Pulling out your (F/C) Switch you turn on a random game before letting Drift see it "This is a video game!Fun right??"

Drift seems to not understand the human concepts or anything human like, but since he was your first friend.Well, his first human friend. It is fair to inform you on something that can be human related.

No, don't think that dirty stuff right now.That ain't it ya nasty.


"Yeah Drifty??"

"Go to that corner over there and close your eyes please."

Confuse by his words you did it with a quick "Okie doki!" before sitting there, waiting.

The sudden burst of unknown air swirls around your room, making you think it was something with Drift request, before a random smell of ocean air hit your small child like nostrils.Now your really confuse on what the heck is going on.

"Alright don't freak out.." the sound of your bed creaks, signaling someone is sitting there right now "...but you can look now dear."

Doing as Drift order, you look....to find a random man sitting on your bed.

Sharpe baby blue eyes watch your small form as you took in everything about the man.Long black hair, a small goatee but clean shaven face, clothes were fancy but had a majestic old feeling to it, was not that pale as he looks, and he had a sword hoster.Holding it like a samurai would..

"Please do not fear me, I will not cause you har-."

"Drifty??...Is that you???"

A nod comes from him, sighing in what must be relief "Yes (Y/N).It's m--?!"

He could not finish his words as you unexpectedly jump at him, arms wide open, to only pull him down into the bed.Your cute laughter was all Drift could hear at that moment of time.He looks down to see the biggest smile adore your little fleshy face.It was no lie that he too smiled a smile big as yours.

But it falls into a frown once he looks out the window, directly glancing at the barn.

"How long will your sister be gone?"

You shrug your shoulders, looking out the window "I don't know, lines are boring though!"

Drift thinks a little more, weighing his options, before speaking again "Okay then, well...." he got up, holding you in his lap criss cross style, now seeming to speak his words in what may be good for you to hear "....Me and the others are leaving today."

Heartbreak...So much happiness shoved down the drain-.

"But since your alone without supervision, you will have to tag along with us for the mean time."

Eyes widening at the news, you look him dead in the eye "....really?!"

You were begging to not have another heartbreak but Drift made it all so better by nodding, climbing out the window with you.A blanket in hand as he held onto you.Walking towards the barn that the others reside, waiting so patiently, in.

But they weren't in there, instead they were listening inside the house.Waiting outside your room next door.

"Looks like the squirt is tagging along.." Hound takes a large bit out of a blue orb, chewing it loudly before continuing "...perfect time to kill he-."

"Hound you dare hurt her and I will not waste a single claw to slice you up into scrape!"

Hound puts his hands up, yes they too were in their holoforms, grinning "Oh please do, do it and see what happens to ya Crosshair."

Crosshair groans, taking a deep breath to only exhale loudly, before flicking Hound off as he exited the house.Not long after Hound follows, making sure to take a second look at everything in the house before leaving.








Little do they all know red eyes were watching this all unfold...

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