I Harm 'Cause I Care

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So…uh…that was…um…wow. I’ve never seen that side of Evolution Remy.

Oh, right, explanations.

After wandering around for a while, I saw this guy running away, so I decided to go in the direction he came from. Sure enough, I found three guys, one being Remy. “You always get yourself into trouble, huh?” I joked, keeping my eyes on the other two guys. (Rhyme!)

"What can I say? I'm always ready for trouble." Remy answered with a smirk, staring at the two other guys. I shook my head. "Just give back what you stole and we can all forget this ever happened." Honestly, it's hard being a peacemaker when he’s part of our team.

"Um, I didn't steal anything, he just dropped his wallet and I took it, it doesn't make me a criminal." He said, obviously joking.

"Remy." I said sternly, glaring at him with glowing eyes.

It's not unnatural for Remy to steal. It's in his blood. He was raised in the Thieves' Guild after all, so I don't really blame him. Still, it's a pain in my ass.

I'm not his babysitter!

"Hey, I know I caused trouble before, but seriously, I found this wallet on the ground! Believe me at least once in your life." He sounded very honest.

I continued glaring at Remy, before walking past the two men and over to him. I raised my hand up and...rested my arm on his shoulder, turning to the other guys. "Terribly sorry, but I'm gonna have to side with him on this one." A black bat formed around my eyes, almost like a mask, and the two men fell to the ground. I grabbed Remy's arm and began pulling him away. "C'mon, let's get out of here, Swamp Rat."

"I still wasn't lying...but anyway; I won." He said, playing with the wallet in his hands, and then suddenly, his face changed to a very depressed one. I looked back with a smile, which soon turned to a frown. "Hey, what's wrong? C'mon, Remy, tell me."

Now, I figured it was about Anna, but I really didn't know. It could have been something odd, like his father, if you could even call him that, had contacted him or something. Still, I looked into his red on black eyes with worry.

“You know, she's my lucky lady, but I really have no idea how to make her look at me for once. I thought my jokes were good for her, but after that punch I got..." After saying that he started to look to the ground while walking, putting his hands in his pockets

I stopped in my tracks. Never in my life had I seen either Remy so vulnerable, and so sad. It was...weird. Remy's always been so confident, with a "Nothing can touch me" attitude. I always looked up to him for that. But now, it was like I was staring at a stranger. So, I did the only thing I could think of.

I hit him...very, very hard.

“What the hell was that for?!” Remy barked, rubbing his head. "If you want my attention you can hit me in another place, but not my head. I need it."

"Get a hold of yourself!" I yelled, pissed beyond imagining. "This is not the Remy LeBeau who kidnapped Rogue and me, who both could have easily killed you! This is not the Master Thief who easily broke into Angel’s home, or the Cajun I admire! This is some coward who's too afraid to actually tell the girl he loves, that he loves her!" I began panting slightly, out of breath from my small rant.

Damn, this guy really gets on my nerves sometimes.

He breathed deeply and raised his spine. "You're actually right, what am I doing? A punch shouldn't stop me from continue trying to get to her.” He looked down at me and smiled. "Well, thanks" Remy seemed to had cheered up and started walking faster…and then turned back to me. "And I didn't find the wallet on the ground, I took it directly from the pocket of the guys you left sleeping" He smirked and start running with the wallet in his hand.

"What...just happened?" I asked as I watched Remy take off. I was happy he cheered up, yeah, but...I'm confused. I'm gonna go ponder on this a-wait...did he just say he actually did steal it...


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