Do You Trust Me?

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"Do you trust me?" assassin!Chenle asked, offering you his hand. You could barely hear him over the whirring of the helicopter blade, but you were good at reading his lips.

"Not at all," you replied as you took his hand frantically. "But hey, this night has been full of surprises."

He grinned cheekily as he pulled you up and handed you a helmet. "Can you wear it by yourself or do you need help, princess?"

You huffed and grabbed it from his hands. "Of course I know how to wear a helmet." He rolled his eyes and hummed under his breath as he observed your unsuccessful attempt to pull it over your head. He sighed heavily to let you know of the inconvenience you were causing him, growing impatient at your increasing struggle,  before tapping your shoulders.

"You have to take the straps off first. Here, give it to me."

Reluctantly, you handed over the headgear and watched him carefully open up the velcro before moving closer to him in the small space you shared in the aircraft. He pursed his lips as he looked between the top of your head and the opening of the helmet, but the look vanished just as quickly as it had appeared. In a matter of seconds, your vision was covered by darkness and then exposed to the light of the control panels. You shifted the helmet so it fit better around your head and then adjusted the straps as necessary.

"It should be good now," he mumbled before taking a seat on the shaky helicopter. You sat down next to him and put your belt on before looking below. That was a big mistake. In the time you two had taken to adjust your helmet, you were miles above the ground, soaring through the air. Cars looked like miniature lego toys and the vast span of houses all seemed to be as small as the palm of your hand. However, there was no doubt that if you were to fall off or tip over the edge, it'd be a nasty one.

While you were busy in your thoughts, Chenle slightly pushed you to give you a tiny scare. "What the hell," you cursed, shoving him back. He screeched before laughing.

"You're so weak." He leaned back in his seat before closing his eyes and running his hands through his hair, abruptly turning somber. "I just failed a mission. I can't believe it." His disbelief was apparent, but he didn't seem to be sad about it.

"Why did you do it?" Your voice was just slightly above a whisper, afraid that if you talked any louder, he would break. Chenle didn't even need for you to explain what exactly you were asking because he knew that his decision would be a huge cost not only for him, but also for you.

"I-" He paused. Why did he do it? He had nothing to gain from saving you. You were just another one of his targets who was the daughter of his client's business rival. A typical scenario. Sure, you had a high bounty on you and your net worth was incredibly high for someone as young as you, but that didn't mean that he had to go out of his way to breach a contract. For the first time in his life, he had to stop and reconsider his morals.

His eyes glanced over at your figure intently looking back at him for a response of some sort. Some kind of explanation about why a world class assassin would do the unexpected and spare an easy prey. The way that you looked at him with your eyes sparkling and your lips pouting oh-so-sweetly caused a strange feeling in the pit of his stomach that wouldn't go away. No matter how much he tried to concentrate on something else, the whirring of the blade rotation above his head or the pilot intently looking at the coordinate map on the panel, his eyes would always wander right back to yours. He felt caught in an inescapable web. Nothing in his deadly training had prepared him for such a scenario and he was starting to feel scared. Not of you. No, you were very innocent. Too innocent. He was scared of the world. More specifically of the world trying to hurt you. And that feeling would end up being his greatest downfall. 

Because as the enemy was approaching in an aircraft not too far behind yours and the pilot frantically handing over two rigs containing parachutes, urging you guys to jump to safety, all he could think of was your soft lips and holding you in his arms until all of your troubles would slowly dissolve. All he wanted was you with him and that thought was terrifying.

He was abruptly snapped out of his thoughts by you grabbing his arms tightly. You looked like you were on the verge of a panic attack, but he knew what he had to do. He had been trained to do this a thousand times and this was something that he felt confident in. It was his forte. His first task was to get you ready. Automatically, like a robot, he slipped one of your arms into the strap. Then the other. He buckled and clipped all of the belts with great dexterity and pulled to make sure the device was strapped securely to you. He followed the same motions for himself and quickly looked out of the window to see how much time you had.

There was very little time. The helicopter was in firing range and he could see the enemy's grin on their face as they waved mockingly and pointed at his watch, indicating that this was going to be the end. Chenle refused to let that be the outcome. He looked down and saw that there was a field located next to a forest below that would be perfect for landing. He grabbed your hands into his and looked you in the eyes before opening the hatch. With bated breath, you awaited his next instruction. Chenle turned to you with a smirk as he mouthed his last words to you before dropping into the abyss below.

"Do you trust me?"

Do You Trust Me? (assassin!Chenle x reader)Where stories live. Discover now