A new beginning

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Hello. Come one, come all. Sorry about this Camryn.


Another week had just transpired. Of course, nothing different really happened; unless you counted the rare moment that was shared between Ethan and the English teacher. Not anything bad! They just had an argument that Camryn didn't have the energy to listen to. (And she was glad, because Zara ended up having to get involved. And that never ends well for the teachers.)

To put it quite simply, Camryn was getting bored of her everyday life. She aspired to do something more.. to be something more. But her mom was convinced that Cam would have a better life sticking to the rules and becoming some kind of office worker. 

"--ryn. Camryn!", She was being tapped on the shoulder relentlessly. Flipping her eyes open with speed Abby didn't think was possible, Cam focused on the person that had been holding her shoulder. 

"Why are you so spaced out?" Abigail was one of her friends in school, along with Ethan and Zara. 

When Cam didn't answer, Abigail shook her by the shoulder blades, "Camryn! It's lunch! Stop staring into space, we have to get to the lunch tables before there's none left!" And then under her breath, she muttered, "Zara better have secured a table..". 

Snapping out of her trance, Camryn apologized half-heartedly. "Oh, sorry, Abby. I was just thinking about my mom."

Abby raised an eyebrow but didn't respond. They made their way through 3 hallways before the large doors to the cafeteria came into view. 

Walking through the door, both friends' gazes scanned over the student population trying to find their group, before a huge force nearly knocked them onto the floor from behind. 

"What are you guys just doing standing out here? We've been waiting forever!" Said the ultimate force who had just pummeled them; Zara.

Abigail rolled her eyes, "I was trying to drag Cam out of the classroom, don't blame me!". Camryn looked to the ground for a split second sheepishly, not really all that sorry.

Zara continued forward, not actually listening. They had both Camryn and Abby's arms in their hold, practically dragging them towards their table where Ethan was waiting, playing his DS.

Way louder than anyone in the cafeteria, Zara shouted out in accomplishment "ETHAN! I FOUND THEM!", which had attracted the attention of every single person in the room. 

"Oops," Zara said unapologetically, not bothering to turn around from where they all sat in a circle. Ethan proceeded to shake his head while Cam and Abby gave that white person smile to everyone they locked eyes with. 

"Something tells me that this week won't actually be as repetitive as the rest." Cam thought to herself.

Cam X  HaechanWhere stories live. Discover now