Chapter 1: Lavender to help the sleepless

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I wandered to the top of the academy, I was shaking, I had just woken up from a strange and startling dream. I saw him, Five, he was trying to tell me something but it was too hard to understand, like something blocked him, but he stood right there in front of me. He screamed my name loud and clear "Rowan, Rowan!"

His eyes were wide with fear but the rest of his words were jumbled, muffled and hard to understand, I tried to move my mouth the way he was moving his but he was screaming now I could tell and it was pointless to try and understand because I never would, just like how I will never understand why he got up and left that day during our meal, I knew he was upset about something I just couldn't tell what it was and of course Sir. Hargreeves ruined it and made him even more mad, going on about a freezing acorn or something. I didn't fully grasp the concept he was giving.

I get to the rooftop where there is a small garden that I have been working on for awhile, not using my powers to enhance the plants or make the dead ones alive again. I was proud of it and I enjoyed it. I started it when we were young, I remember Allison practicing her rumors and Diego throwing knives everywhere around the house. It was because of him I had discovered my liking to cut my hair short, it bounced up and down, never quite reaching my shoulders and tickling my neck all the time. I also remember Luther helping me carry the big bags of soil we got for the plants and Ben helping me pick out the plants to grow.

"We should grow Lavender, I read somewhere it helps you sleep" Ben was always having trouble sleeping, I could tell by just looking at him, I worried about him sometimes, he didn't seem to want this 'Superhero' life and I understood that but Reginald didn't and kept pushing all of us to our breaking points and finally Ben had enough.

He died soon afterward, on a mission we were assigned, Reginald pushed him off the edge and he broke, I'd rather not talk about it but when it happened I was stupid enough to try and help him, to heal him to mend him to take the broken pieces and put them back together but by the time I got to him the pieces were shattered too small. I pushed myself too hard that day also, and blacked out between my tears and rage, only to wake up to find my conscious had split its self in two. My body was there lifeless, almost, and my spirit, not quite dead but not completely alive either, was where I was.

I watched them attend Ben's funeral, they all stood there bickering, Reginald gave some speech that I didn't pay attention to, just remembering the bit where he blames us for what happened, Allison protested, Luther held her back, sadly, then everyone began to leave.

Diego insulted Vanya, Luther and Diego started fighting and then all of a sudden the only one left was Klaus, he walked up to the gazebo I was standing by, I saw him clutch his fists until they glowed blue but a small and subtle 'hey' startled the both of us.

Then I saw him, Ben, wearing dark clothes, black hoodie, black jeans, leather jacket, standing there in the gazebo, talking to Klaus. I was shocked, Klaus couldn't see me, I wasn't completely dead but I could see Ben and...

He looked up at me, staring and staring, maybe seeing me or maybe only feeling my presence the same way someone would feel another staring at the back of their neck. But then he smiled and I was relieved, I came closer to him and Klaus.

They continued to talk and soon left the gazebo as if Ben never left us in the first place.

Now 13 years later and Klaus is out in a mental hospital I think, Ben occasionally follows, Vanya has her own place, Allison is famous, Diego's playing detective and Luther got sent up to the moon about four years ago, and I recently returned, due to the fact that one, I'm a spirit in a world where my body is still not completely dead and I wanted to see if they have done anything about it and two, Reginald died, he died by a heart attack, I was initially shocked by this news as I watched it in a small bar as the world around me went by.

And to think that something as simple as a heart attack killed the great Sir. Reginald Hargreeves, I stood there, dumbfounded as I wander my lost soul back to the Academy, wondering how the others would respond to this news.

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