Incase you did not read the title...
This is basically a bunch of One direction inside jokes, random things, and some solo/larry references here and there
That mostly only directioners/Ot5s know
This is very carroty so good...
2. Favorite Subject? - Science or maybe Music I can't really decide
3. Favorite Music Artist? - One Direction but if we're talking about a solo then I usually stay in Louis' side of the fandom
4. Favorite Movie? - I don't really watch movies but maybe Hercules
5. Favorite TV Show? - I never get to watch TV as well but like if in a show on Netflix? I'd say Politician, i'm quite a fan of Ben Platt
6. Favorite Color? - Navy blue
7. Allergies? - none
8. Phobias/Fears? - I have a few: Insects, Horror (or literally anything scary like murder etc.), performing in front of people that I know and being offline incase Larry came out 😂
9. Clothing Styles - Skinny jeans all the way and just pair it with a shirt
10. Gender? - Female
It was also mentioned that if we decide to do this we'll tag Captain_swan_fangirl