🌻The Bee King pt 1. 🌻

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I got this idea from a prompt on Pinterest so don't come at me saying it was stolen. I just really like the idea and as soon as I read it I thought of Tubbo.

Tubbo's POV:

Ever since I was younger everyone around me has kept bees away from me. No matter where I went someone had to be with me to warn me of any approaching bees. The reason? If one so much as landed on me I would get a deathly allergic reaction.

"Toob! What are you doing? Stop spacing ooouuutt." I hear Tommy groan, his loud voice bringing me back to this plane of existence. "Yeah, hi. Sorry I wasn't listening..." I chuckle nervously. "Oh my god Tubbo you need to get your head in the game! We are doing MCC!" Tommy says inspiringly. "Of course. I mustn't let the team down!" I play along. "Hello boys." We hear Wilbur's soothing voice ring out. "Wilbur!" Tommy shouts "Good to see you man! How're you feelin about today?" He questions. "Tired, how are you so loud at this time Tommy?" Wilbur grunts. "Sorry Wilbur, hello how are you?" I chuckle giving chat a look. "I'm fine Tubbo thank you for asking." Wilbur replies sounding chirpier. "Guys guys guys." Techno spits just joining the call. All three of us respond with something along the lines of 'yes'. ".....sub to Technoblade." He states in a deathly serious tone. Me and Wilbur burst out laughing and Tommy just groans.

We are now all starting to get to the lift. "Hah I beat you Wilbur!" Tommy loudly states. "What?! We were racing?!" Wilbur yells breaking everyone's eardrums and getting himself kicked out of his office. "I mean yeah I guess." Tommy mumbles. "Okayyy so what should we do first?" Techno asks staring into the game wheel. "Uhh should we do hole in the wall first?" I wonder. "Sure." Wilbur agrees. Tommy just follows what we do.

"Aww Tubboooo." Wilbur coos, sad because I died. "It's ok man we'll win the rest." Tommy reassures. You can just hear the angry clicking of Techno's keyboard in the background. "It's ok don't worry guys! You can do this come onnn!" I cheer. Suddenly I hear a faint buzzing. A bee. It lands on my shoulder. My panic rises until I hear a voice "Hello your majesty. What is your first command?"

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