9 | Bloody Nose.

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The next morning I woke up in a much better mood as I no longer had this weight on my shoulders. I quickly got dressed, grabbed breakfast and headed out the door to school.

When I arrived I immediately knew something was up. Everyone was staring and pointing at me as I exited my car and headed into the building. To make matters worse majority of the girls were glaring at me, hatred brewing in their eyes.

What the hell happened?

Ignoring everyone, I made my way to my locker when I was approached by a girl I didn't recognise at first till I realised she was Jax's ex.

'You're the definition of a whore, you know that right? First you steal my boyfriend and then you steal Ryder too? Couldn't keep it in your pants could you? No wonder he slept with you and then dismissed you.' She spat.

The anger brewing in me took over and I punched the blonde bitch in the face resulting in gaining everyone's attention in the hallway, whilst she was on the floor with a bloody nose. I didn't just stop there. I crouched down right next to her and venomously spat 'Let's get a few things straight here: Jax is your ex boyfriend, Ryder kissed me I didn't kiss him back and Ryder and I didn't sleep together. I would never sleep with Ryder Stirling!'

'Is that so?' said a deep voice coming from my right and I didn't have to look up to know it was the boy in question.

Before I could reply to the jerk, Ms Parkinson came down the hallway shouting at pupils to move away whilst she lifted the blonde off the ground and was beginning to assist her to the nurse's office. But not before saying 'Miss Reynolds, principal's office now!'

Aggravated, I picked up my bag off the floor and headed down to the principal's office.

'Miss Reynolds you do realise your actions result in an immediate expulsion right?' The principal questioned.


'However, seeing as your new and don't have a track record of getting into fights, we won't give you the full expulsion, instead you will just be expelled for two weeks. Does that sound fair?'

'Yes!' you exclaimed happy with the outcome. If you had been fully expelled your foster mother would have been enraged (not that she wouldn't already for getting into a fight) but, you couldn't afford getting thrown out of her home. She was your last chance to become free at the age of 18.

I guess I should explain right? I don't have the best track record when it comes to my anger issues so ever since my mother died when I was younger and I was put into the foster care system it was always hard for me to stick to one family.

My father was non existent in my life and I didn't know who he was and didn't intend on finding out either.

You see, in the foster care system you were only allowed at 30 homes from when you're put into the system till you're of legal age. If you go beyond that you don't get to live freely and have the independence you want when you turn 18.

My current foster mother was my 30TH home and I was planning on making her my last as I turn 18 next year and then I would be able to support myself without an adult looking over my shoulder and finally be able to escape the foster care system.

𝙥𝙡𝙖𝙮𝙚𝙧, 𝙥𝙡𝙖𝙮𝙚𝙧Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon