13. The Darkness of Hades

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David was sitting at the kitchen table with Bill. A book in front of him, an empty colt with five silver bullets next to the tome.

David wasn't sure what kind of creature had taken Kate, therefore he was reading about monsters.

It was silly to him that he needed silver bullets to take it down but as much as he knew about Kate's powers, he knew there could be creatures that were not regular animals.

When they heard a knock on the door Bill was the first to get up.
"I'll tell them to go away." He said as he got to the door. But when he opened it and had Kate leap to hug him, he was in shock.

"Kate?" He couldn't believe his eyes.

"Yes it's me!" She held him tight.

Her dad's eyes filled with tears.
"Kate, my little Kate!"

He kissed her head and brought her inside.

David stood still, quietly observing her.

"How did you get here? Did you escape? " Bill was nervous.

Kate shook her head. "No dad, he let me go. He has changed, we are friends!"

Her dad almost believed her, but then David got up and cleared his throat.

"That's the possibility I was talking to you about Bill, see? She just said it herself."

Kate only then noticed him.
"What are you doing here?"
She didn't like to see him.

Bill pulled her closer again.
"I called him, nobody would listen to me in this place. I needed help to rescue you from that monster. "

Kate shook her head. "You didn't need to call him. He's always getting to the wrong conclusions. Nicolae is not a monster."

David touched his hair and smiled.
"That is classic of someone with Stockholm syndrome. Next you are gonna tell us you are in love with that beast."

"You don't know everything David! Your presence is not needed, leave." Kate moved to go to the restroom, and as she did that, David pushed her inside the bathroom, took the key and locked her in.

She started banging her fists on the wood upset.

David turned the key in three times before giving it to Bill.

"Like I feared, she is under a powerful spell, Bill, brain washing. But it will break once I slay the beast. Do not let her out, no matter what she says. "

Bill looked at the key in his hands.

"Bill, can I trust you with that?" David loaded his gun.

"Yeah. Sure. Go."

David nodded and left in a hurry.


Sitting in the darkness of his room, Nicolae stared out of the window quietly. He was holding the dress he had given Kate.

It was still warm.

He felt like his heart had been ripped out, watching her leave the house. He had unlocked the main gate for her, so she didn't have to go through the forest.

She had turned around one more time before leaving, thanking him.

And he let her go, just like that.

Falling back into the void.


"Dad please open the door." She sat on the floor, her forehead resting against the wood.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 04, 2021 ⏰

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