Akira & Haruo Part 5

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Tomorrow, Akira brought her umbrella to block the snow from falling on her head. She brought her back pack too. She set out at 6 in the morning because present opening time was at 8.

She walked in the snow and reached school. She went to the top and standing there, was Haruo. She put down her umbrella and walker toward Haruo.

"H-hi. You said you want t-to meet?" She stammered half because she was cold and half because she was nervous. Haruo turned around. "Yeah." He said. "What do you want to talk about?" Akira asked. She walked over to Haruo and stood next to him.

"Look at the mountain." Haruo said. Akira turned her head and looked at the mountain then looked back at Haruo. "Here." Haruo said, handing her a box. She opened the small box and inside was a scarf.  Akira felt her face turn red. "Thanks. Sorry I didn't bring anything for you." Akira apoligized as she put on the scarf.

"It's fine." Haruo said. Akira frowned. "No its not. Were friends now right? And friends don't get something and don't give something back." Akira said. 

Haruo flipped his hair off his shoulder. "Uhmmm. Er, I guess I have to go. Bye. Have a nice Christmas. I promise to get something for you!" Akira said, skipping away. "Bye." Haruo said.

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