Chapter 2: The Sorting

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        "And who are you again?" You said "I'm Pansy Parkinson, and Draco is my boyfriend! So stay away you filthy cockroach!" She said as you started laughing. "Well for your information my name is y/n Malfoy, Draco is my twin brother, so back off." Draco started laughing after you said that. Pansy stormed off angry at herself and others, at her decisions. You were almost there so you gathered your stuff.
        Once you got off you sat down to get sorted into a house. You already knew you would be a slytherin. "Hmm, difficult very difficult. I'll say- Gryffindor!" You and Draco looked completely shocked at what had just happened. "There must be some mistake, I mean I'm a Malfoy- I should be in slytherin!"

"The sorting hat doesn't make mistakes miss Malfoy, go have a seat" Dumbledore said as you stormed off yelling "My father will here about this!" You sat down at the Griffindor table as a red headed boy, about three inches taller that you, came up and asked "Is this seat taken?"

Hey guys! Sorry this one is so short! I have to go somewhere and really wanted to get part two out to you. I will make more later! For more content or suggestions email if that doesn't work change the end to thx!

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 22, 2020 ⏰

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