Chapter 31

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➰the girls dresses are above➰

I hopped in Em's car. I was seated next to Riley, who by the way had bought herself some new glasses since yesterday's events, while Tyler sat in the passenger's seat.

When we got to Em's house she hurried us up to her bedroom, "Alright guys, we only have three hours to get four girls to look even better than they naturally do." She looked us up and down. No one had dressed up. I was in baggy sweats and a cami, Riley was wearing some jeans and a t-shirt, and Tyler was wearing leggings and an oversized hoodie. Em sighed, "I have my work cut out for me."

Em wanted to be a cosmetologist, there was no doubt in anyone's mind that she would achieve that goal, she was definitely a go-getter.

Em instructed us all into a single file line. Tyler was first, Em turned on some music and her room was just like a beauty salon. She threw Riley and I some magazines to look at while she worked on Tyler. I read up on the articles about boys; none of them applied to my situation. I looked over at Riley, she was doing the brain teasers. That girl was too smart for her own good.

Thirty minutes later Tyler came clicking out of Em's bathroom wearing a beautiful pink dress that reached just above her knees and she wore heels that matched the dress while her hair fell in loose curls to her shoulders; it fit her perfectly.

Next was Riley, she handed Tyler her magazine but Tyler pulled out her phone and looked at that instead. "Texting Will again are you?" I raised my eyebrows and Tyler sighed. "Jay, he's perfect. He hasn't even asked me out yet and I already like him more than... I can't even put it into proportion." She smiled dreamily. I rolled my eyes playfully, "Well you fell out of a chair for him. Now that's serious."I laughed. She made a pouty face, "You're never going to let me forget that are you?" We laughed. "Nope." I replied smiling.

Riley came out in a long turquoise dress that balanced her red hair out. You could tell that it had been chosen by Em's expert hands. She had put contacts in and taken her glasses off. She looked gorgeous. Em pulled me to her closet. After being surveyed by Em for a moment I was thrown a ball of navy blue fabric and pushed into the bathroom.

I put on the navy blue dress. It fell to about my knees and was sleeveless. I liked it, and that was saying something. I was not a dressy girl, AT ALL. Don't get me wrong I could look nice but nothing like this. Em knocked on the door and came in, she told me I looked great. She let my hair down and decided that if she made it a little wavy, I would be good.

Twenty minutes later I was set. I had simple makeup on, my hair was down but wavy, and I wore black flats. Plus the dress of course. I grabbed my leather jacket that I brought from the back of a chair and threw it on. I would take it off when I got there.

Finally Em got ready. While she was getting ready Tyler told Riley and I about her and Will. "Doesn't he play in the band that's playing tonight?" Riley asked and Tyler nodded. Suddenly Em walked out of the bathroom. She looked amazing.

She wore a gray dress that fit her figure perfectly while her hair was in a bun but strands of hair were (stylishly) hanging in her face, her silver heels looked great on her. Tyler, Riley, and I oohed and ahhed over her dress.

We all looked in the mirror, we looked great. It was time to go. Riley and Em didn't have dates but if the formal went anything like last years, plenty of guys would ask them to dance.

We hopped in Em's car. Once we arrived at the country club where it was being held I stopped in front of the entrance. "Here we go," I told myself, "There's no turning back now."

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