Chapter three - Justice

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(Ik that's ^ not what an American bully looks like but shhhh)

David stood in the throne room, he was standing next to Lucifer. David's eyes wandered around the room as he began to get lost in thought, he was thinking about how the last few weeks had played out and started to notice a trend. David looked down at the floor, he didn't want to say anything in case he was wrong but he also didn't want to say nothing about it. David sighed and looked to Lucifer; he was sitting on his throne going over contracts and deals,he had a concentrated look on his face like he was engrossed in the contracts, there was an intensity in the air around him. David sighed and Lucifer looked up, David rubbed the back of his neck and continued staring at the ground.

Lucifer turned towards David and lightly smiled, "you don't have to stand here while I do work, you can go explore the castle if you want."

David smiled, "is it alright if I go out?"

Lucifer went to say something but stopped himself to rethink what he wanted to say, "alright, just be careful. The imps are known to slack off and look for something to entertain themselves."

David smiled and nodded, he walked out of the palace and took off. David flew towards the gates but stopped when he spotted hades talking to a guy, the two looked like they were in the middle of an argument judging by their body language. David flew close enough to hear what they were saying but not close enough for them to spot him,

"Look just answer the damn question."

"Which one?"

"Can you get rid of that stubborn bitch or not?"


"No the fucking janitor, WHO THE FUCK DO YOU THINK?!"

"What do I get in return."

"You get to go back to the living, free of contract."


David flew upwards and hid behind some stalactite as hades and the guy vanished, David covered his mouth and assessed the situation. He should probably tell Lucifer, but can you really kill Satan? David shook his head, you can't kill a god. David flew back to the castle, he was still going to tell satan about hades and the guy. David reached the castle and landed in front of the doors, he pulled them open and walked inside. David closed the doors behind him and turned to face Lucifer, Hades was standing there talking to him. David could feel his heart sink, he took a step forwards and felt like he was wearing cement shoes. David swallowed hard and slowly walked towards the two, Hades teleported away before David came close enough to hear what they were saying.

Lucifer rolled his eyes and turned his attention towards David, his mood completely shifted when he saw David. Lucifer smiled and went to ask how it went before he noticed the look on davids face, his smile dropped and he stood.

David took a deep breath and began to explain everything, unfortunately it all came out as word vomit and Lucifer didn't understand a word of what david was saying. David stopped and saw the puzzled look on lucifers face, David took another deep breath in and explained everything but slower. David looked up at Lucifer who had an almost blank expression on his face, Lucifer smiled down at David and assured him that everything was going to be fine. David nodded and walked away, he stood in the doorway of the room he shared with Lucifer and thought about everything. He walked into the room and flopped onto the bed, he stared up at the ceiling and sighed. David started to question a lot of things, things like if Lucifer actually loved him. David heard the sound of a portal or someone teleporting into the room, David had never heard something like this but was sure that was the noise he heard. David sat up and turned towards where the noise came from, the guy from before was standing in the corner of the room with his arms crossed. David stood, "who are you?"

"Nobody you have to worry about, that is, unless you get in the way."

"What do you mean?"

"Don't play dumb you know exactly what I mean, you did hear didn't you?"

"How did you know I was there?"

"It's not like you were hidden."

David clenched his fist, "why are you doing this, why are you here?"

"I'm here to tell you not to get in the way, as for why I'm doing this..."

"It's simple... I was hired to kill and in exchange: I get to live again."

David didn't know what to feel, "what are you going to do to me if I get in the way?

"That's easy: ill kill you too, though I don't think hades will be very happy with that."

David was taken aback, "what do you mean?"

The guy disappeared without a word and didn't answer David's question.

David sighed and flopped back onto the bed, he had already told Lucifer about Hades's plan the question is though; who will Lucifer believe.

David stressed himself to sleep, he fell into a dreamless slumber and usually didn't wake up until Lucifer woke him up.

Lucifer walked into the room to see David lying on top of the covers with his normal clothes still on, Lucifer smiled and used dark magic so he wouldn't have to do it himself. Lucifer lied down next to David and stared at the ceiling, he thought about what Hades said and got a bit nervous.

"Don't trust him, he's going to try and kill you!"

"How do you know that?"

"I heard him say it!"


"When have I ever lied to you?"

"I don't want to believe you but, you do have a point... I can't recall the last time you lied to me..."

"Then trust me, he will try and kill you, it's better if you just let him go."


"Trust me, it's for your own good."

Lucifer sighed and looked to David, 'he's too timid to try and kill me... but then again I haven't been with him that long...' Lucifer turned his attention back to the ceiling.


This is not a halloween update, halloween has been ruined for me and I will never take part in Halloween like activities again. And surprisingly it's not rona's fault (for the most part anyways.)

Im just here to say there will be no halloween special but there might be a Christmas special, who knows.

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