Hey Peoples!!

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Hey everybody! 

Ok so I'm just gonna come out and say it, I will be taking a looooooooooonnng break from the Forgotten Twin (my HP ff). I have hit a massive writer's block on that and ngl, it kinda lost it's fun. 😔


Imma about to put up a list of the different fandoms / fics running around in my head, and I was thinking that y'all could tell me which ones you'd like to see from me. 

Various Haikyuu!! x Reader (or named character, idk yet) including:

Akaashi Keiji

Kozume Kenma

Kageyama Tobio

Sugawara Koshi

Oikawa Toru

Anyone else ppl rec...?


^^ Just gonna say rn, it might be one shots, or I might develop an entire story around a pairing. Also I am already working on a Haikyuu fic that I am hoping to start posting in November. (😶🙃)

A LotR Tenth Walker

Song Lyric Inspired Loki Fic

Added Demigod x Leo V. (Percy Jackson)

And that is to just name a few. Don't be afraid to pm me or leave a comment on the one you'd like to see! 

Ideas??Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora