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Long ago, in a place where fairytales lived. A kingdom called Aurdaon was born. In it, there is happiness, hope, and, most importantly, Happily Ever After. In this kingdom, all the beloved characters from classic fairytales coexist harmoniously. Cinderella, Snow White, and Sleeping Beauty were just a few of the many enchanting figures who dwelt in Aurdaon. The kingdom thrived under King Adam and Queen Belle's wise and benevolent rule, which ensured everyone's dreams came true.

But in another land lived a dark and sad place. Filled with villains like Maleficent, Ursula, and Jafar, this land was known as the Isle of the Lost. It was a desolate and gloomy place where these wicked characters were banished to live out their days. With terrible food, no magic, and no internet. Despite their evil nature, they longed for a chance at redemption and a taste of Aurdaon's happiness. But that all changes for these four boys, who have a chance to avenge their parents. This is their story.

There was a home in the kingdom of Auradon where there lived a king and queen

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There was a home in the kingdom of Auradon where there lived a king and queen. In this palace, King Adam and Queen Belle lived.At their home, they had two sons named Dong Ju and Dong Myeong, who are now thereigning kings of their kingdom. Last year, they became kings at their first coronation but have not yet issued their first-ever proclamation. So here they are, in the study hall, looking out the window. Staring at the Isle of the Lost. "Do you think Mom and Dad will be mad at our proclamation?" Dong Ju asked with concern. Dongmyeong turned to look at his brother and said, "We have no choice but to tell them." Dong Ju nodded his head. He was worried. It was a monumental decision to make, after all, as kings.

"What if they don't agree with our decision? What if they think we're not ready for such a proclamation?" Dong Ju asked, his voice filled with uncertainty. Dongmyeong sighed and replied, "We can only hope that they trust our judgment and understand the importance of this decision for our kingdom." Dong Ju nodded his head as his older twin brother. As the youngest twin, he was always apprehensive.Worrying if things may go wrong for him during his reign. He fearsthat he will fail, but he can't fail. Everything has to go as planned. Soon the door opens, and in come Lumiere and Cogsworth, the majordomo of the royal residence, whowere arguing and insulting each other as they do practically every day. They stop before the two kings and say, "Your Highness, your mother and father are back from their long trip." The two kings nod and reply, "We will be there shortly."

The twins left the study hall, leaving the two kings there. The twins glance at each other and nod. Standing up from their seats, they proceed out of the study side-by-side. Dongmyeong was full of confidence. Determined that this plan would work. Dong Ju was nervous. He was scared. He fidgeted with his fingers as they walked, a horrible habit that he developed as a child, and Dongmyeong noticed this. He grabbed his younger brother's hand to comfort him. They continued to walk down the hall to the west wing of their parents' bedroom. Dong Ju's nerves grew even stronger as they approached his parents' bedroom. He couldn't help but wonder if their plan would succeed. Dongmyeong, sensing his brother's unease, squeezed his hand tighter in reassurance. "No matter. Don't be afraid. We can do this," Dongmyeong said to comfort his brother. DongJu nodded his head in understanding. Together, they took a deep breath and entered the room, ready to face whatever awaited them.

As they entered, they found their parents, Queen Belle and King Adam, unpacking their things, along with the maid and the servant helping. "Boys. How lovely to see you!" Queen Belle exclaims excitedly. "Mother. Father. Welcome back. How was your trip?" Dongmyeong asked. Belle sighed with happiness and replied that it was lovely. They traveled to the Northern Wei to see Mulan and Shang as they explored and engaged in sightseeing. It was one of their favorite pastimes to explore the kingdom. "How is school, boys? Come up with that proclamation yet?" King Adam said. "School has been great, and about that proclamation," Dongmyeong said. In unison, Bella and Adam glance at their sons. Dongmyeong turns to DongJu, who hasn't spoken since. Dongmyeong gently nudged his brother, and DongJu jumpedjust a bit before turning toward his brother. Dongmyeong motioned to say something, and DongJu replied.

"W-We have d-decided on a proclamation, Father," DongJu stammered. "We believe that all citizens should have equal access to education, regardless of their background or social status." Bella and Adam exchanged proud glances, impressed by their sons' thoughtful suggestions. "That is a wonderful proclamation," Bella said with a smile. "It shows that you both truly care about the kingdom's future." Dongmyeong and DongJu nodded their heads. "So who are the children you chose? Another among the mermaid folk. Gods. "Or a fairy," added King Adam. Dongmyeong and DongJu turn to each other and nod their heads.

"We chose the children from the Isle," Dongmyeong said. The silence in the room was as King Adam stood there firm. He seemed taken aback by their response. His expression grew serious. "The Isle is known for its troubled past and inhabitants," he said cautiously. "Are you sure they are the right choice?" DongJu spoke up confidently. "Your Majesty, we believe that every child deserves a chance, regardless of their background. We think they have tremendous potential and truly deserve the opportunity to prove themselves." King Adam nodded his head at his son's understatement.

"Who have you chosen?" King Adam said: "The children we have chosen are the child of Jafar, the child of the Evil Queen, the child of Cruella de Vil, and the final choice," Dongmyeong said. DongJu gulped in fear, frightened to make this last choice. DongJu took a deep breath and continued, "The final choice is the child of Maleficent." Everyone in the room gasped; the look on King Adam's face was filled with rage. He instructed everyone to leave him with his sons and Queen Belle. "Have you lost your mind? You cannot have Maleficent's child here. Those are the most dangerous choices ever," King Adam yelled. "But father. You have to give them a chance," Dongmyeong argued. Dongmyeong pleaded with his father, trying to persuade him of the importance of giving Maleficent's child a chance. "Maleficent is the reason why we are protected. Her evil reign almost dooms us all," King Adam exclaimed, his voice filled with fear and anger. "We cannot trust her offspring or any of those vile villains to be any different. It is too dangerous to have them here," he said.

This is what DongJu was worried about; this is what he feared.Fear of rejection. DongJu felt like he was giving up, but his brother's words rang in his head.

"No matter what, don't be afraid. We can do this."

He gathered all of his courage and said, "We understand your concerns, Father. Nevertheless, we must not let fear dictate our actions. There may indeed be risks involved, but we cannot judge an entire group based on the actions of a few individuals. We must give them a chance to prove themselves and show that they can be trusted." "No. We can't give them any chance," King Adam interrupted firmly. Before the sons could argue back, Queen Belle stepped forward, her voice calm yet determined. "What about the chance I gave you?" The room fell silent as Queen Belle's words hung in the air. The sons exchanged glances, realizing the weight of her statement. They knew that their mother had taken a chance on their father, despite his troubled past. Curse by the Enchantress: Because of his selfishness and arrogance, King Adam became transformed into a beast. It was only through Belle's unwavering love and belief in his capacity for change that he managed to break the curse and become the man he is today. From the tale, the sons now understood that sometimes, taking a chance on someone could lead to remarkable transformations and redemption.

"My love, our son is right. We must not judge a child based on their parents. Let us give them a chance to prove themselves and break the darkness cycle," Queen Belle said. King Adam's eyes soften as he stares at his wife and sighs. "Alright. Your proclamation is granted," King Adam relented, acknowledging the wisdom of Queen Belle. "But they will be closely monitored, and they are your job. Any wrongdoing and they will be accountable," he added, emphasizing the need for caution. The sons exchanged relieved glances, grateful that their parents had chosen to see beyond prejudice and give the newcomers a fair opportunity. "Don't worry, we won't let you down."


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