" Huh"

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You wake up in the hospital bed 3 days later no one is there so you see a button next your bed, it say push for assistance, you push the button and every one comes rushing in. You see Draco and he comes over you ask " babe what happened" he says " you fainted again and now it's 3 days later" you ask the OBGYN " what's wrong with me" you see a bunch of wires and things hooked to your stomach, he says
" we where waiting for you to wake up but after you fainted your water broke, you have been in labor for 3 days"  " huh" you say " i'm having the twins right now?"  The doctor says " yes so we have a room set up and you are 7cm so 3 more and it is time to push"
Draco is holding your hand he looks worried sick and you say " hey babe it is going to be okay" he says " i know i'm just really worried" The doctor measures you again and your at 10cm they move you into another room and it's time to push. ( Next chapter will be having the twins sorry for all the cliff hangers yikes)

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