Unexpected Love

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I lost all meaning to my life when I lost my family. It feels like only yesterday they were still with me. I have to move on and if that means leaving everything behind that I know then so be it. Time to start over.


Ava Dalton.....

I woke up screaming again. The nightmares won't stop. I keep wishing it is just a bad dream. It's been 6months since the plane crash that killed practically my whole family or at least the only family that I knew. My mom Mary Dalton, my father Ralph Dalton, my aunt Rachel Steven's her husband and three kids, my cousins Robby, Julie and Caleb and my two best friends Abby Thompson and Layla Masters. We had a gorgeous summer vacation in the Phi Phi Islands and it was magical. Truly a beautiful holiday destination my parents spent every last penny they had for us to take that vacation my dad said we all deserved it. Little did he know it would be our last. I miss them terribly, all the family I had died in one plane crash, except for me. Why was my life spared? I hope there is some reason why I'm the only one who made it and now I'm all alone. I'm 28 years old and I studied photography. I don't have a job, I basically work for myself in a sense I'm a freelance photographer. I take on whatever work I can get. It doesn't pay much but it's enough to get by. I never needed to worry about money because my parents took really good care of me as I am the only child so I would say I was spoilt to a certain extent. They paid for college and they bought me my first car. I never needed anything. It's been 6months since the accident and I'm still having nightmares about that day. I will never forget it. I'm living in my parents house, the house I grew up in, never felt the need to move out yet I was happy and content. I had a few boyfriend's nothing too serious. I was not interested in anything long term just yet. I love what I do, photography is my passion. The only thing I have right now is my passion, nothing else. I have no family, no friends, no love, not even money,nothing. Turns out my parents had a lot of debt and all the money they left behind was used for the funeral and to pay the debt they had including paying the house finished, so all I'm left with is a house full of memories that I can not get back and it kills me.The passion and the nightmares are all I have now, nightmares that always ends up in me reliving the plane crash but I get saved every single time by this man whose face I can never see I wake up everytime I'm close to seeing his face. He pulls me out of the water in my dream, I'm drowning and then someone grabs me and pulls me out of the water everytime single time.I can feel him and it feels so real, I trust him. Why do I trust this man in my dream so much and who is he? I wish I knew who he was, apart from the dream ending in disaster I get to feel him who ever he is, I wish he was real. This house feels empty, I spent 3months crying most of my day. When the bills started coming in I knew I had to get some gigs to pay for some stuff. This is all new to me, I'm not exactly sure what I'm doing.I never had to worry about anything and now I have all this stuff to take care of. I don't even talk to the neighbors anymore. I don't socialise with anyone or my fellow photographers that helps me get some work.I dont talk and I hardly eat, I can barely breath in this house. I need a change, I need to get away from everything.


Ava Dalton

I put the house on the market 2months ago. I decided that it was better to sell the house. It was really hard to do and if I could afford it I would stay but the memories it just hurts too much it's becoming unbearable and I feel like I need a fresh start. The agents called me this morning to come and sign the last of the paperwork and the house is officially sold. It's a great family home and some nice family will make new memories in it. My time here is done, I need to start over, I need to forget. I will be moving into a smaller place taking the money to pay the rest of the bills that has piled on for 6months and got myself a smaller but decent place 3000 kilometers away from here the further the better. Everything around me reminds me of my friends, my family and everyone around town looks at me like I'm about to flip out, it's really annoying. I went to therapy for the trauma 3months of therapy. I stopped going cause I don't need it anymore I just need to get away, that is the best therapy I can do for myself. I'm all packed up, moving day is a week away. I can't say I'm excited because I feel more relieved then excited, relieved that hopefully the nightmares will finally stop and I can sleep again. Gosh I miss sleep so much, I get for the most 2hours of sleep at night and maybe an hour nap in the day I don't think that's enough sleep. I'm groggy and miserable all the time and I know I am so no one speaks to me. I hope moving away will make things better.

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