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His lungs stuttered at the sight, the man looked down at the mess. He stepped over the corpse, cautious of staining his shoes while blood as thick as glue pooled on the corridor floors. The splotches blooming in size like flower buds. Lazily flicking his wrist, the bat he had in hand hit the corpse's temple.


A scoff escaped his lips, mad disrespect to the dead. He'd continue to push it when looking into the reflections of cracked, almost shattered windows. Slicking his hair back like it was fragile, only a pompous prick would think their looks mattered in whatever shit-storm they found themselves in. Nothing a bit of background couldn't loosen up.

Pulling down his rolled up sleeve, he used his elbow to push the door open, fumbling the bat over to his other hand to do so. He readied his lungs to take in a breath of fresh air once he stepped outside. Despite everything looking the same, the thought didn't seem to find him that maybe he wasn't outside. This idiot was lost, and he looked around stupidly before realizing it.

He'd manage to find himself in another hallway that was linear to the corridor he was just in, he looked into the rooms hopelessly and whimpered. "RICO" he'd yell his friend's name, a damsel in distress. Though with no response, he was left to listen to the empty echo of his voice.

"RICOOO—" was the last thing he'd yell before getting a dictionary straight to the head. "—OW, Jesus Christ—" the man brought a hand to the radiating ache left from the book. He swung around to see where it came from.

"Quint, could you shut the fuck up?"

The smaller of the two snapped at him, glaring like he was about to squeeze the living hell out of the man. Quinton scoffed, averting his eyes from Rico's "No, I'm afraid not. But I do know how to read, yes." He picked up the book, it was definitely a dictionary. His smile had sarcasm written all over it as he skimmed the pages.

Rico looked at him in disbelief, bringing a hand to the bridge of his nose and laughing, but hardly out of joy. "I can't believe this—" Rico started, he trudged down the hall to get to the next room, Quinton tailed behind with his hands behind his back. Nodding like he was taking note of everything his friend had to say, or more of what he wouldn't say.

All to annoy the short-tempered man, his lips twisted into a smug grin. "Go on?" He'd continue test Rico's patience.

"Look," Rico stopped to look through the drawers for anything salvageable, the sudden pause made a muscle in Quinton's cheek tic. He took it upon himself to close the door behind him when stepping into the room. "Oh, you just love stopping mid-sentence, don't you?" Rico's heart and soul were incredibly ready to finally squeeze the living shit out of him—

— if it weren't for the visitors knocking.

The two men flinched, startled. Immediately whipping their weapons in hand.

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