Chapter 33

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Guess who's back!!

First of all I want to thank you all for reading this story and still commenting on this! I know I left you guys waiting for a Loooong time but here's a new chapter! I hope you'll enjoy this one!! Xxx

I hope everyone is doing alright and is save! I love you all! Remember to stay strong! ❤️

The days passed by so quickly and suddenly it was Friday night. They would head back home tomorrow. Louis was stressed, very stressed even tho he couldn't help but feel a little happiness as well. He would see his sisters again and his mother and his friends. He missed them, of course he did! Last night he found the courage to call his mum. He lost his phone so he had to call with Harry's phone. Louis smiled at the memory...

~phone call~
M- oh hi Harry! I'm glad you're calling I was about to call you and check on lou! How is he doing?
L- uhm... mum its me. It's Louis.
There was a silence... tears were starting to form. But then all of the sudden the silence was gone by a loud sob coming from his mother. Louis immediately started to cry with her.
L- please don't cry mum. I'm alright. I am! Harry's been helping me so much. We are coming home Saturday mum. I'll be back home!
He tried to smile and lighten up the mood.
M- lou... sweetheart it's so nice hearing your voice again! I miss you boobear. We all miss you so much! Please do come home, we will help you! You won't be alone darling we are all here for you! We will fight with you darling!
His mum's words made Louis cry again god how he loved her!
They talked a little more and after half an hour they decided to say their goodbyes and hang up.
~ end phone call~
Harry who was watching everything from the kitchen couldn't help but smile. It was a big step for louis and he was so proud of his boyfriend. He walked out of the kitchen and went to stand behind Louis. He noticed that Louis didn't move, he was shaking. Harry stood behind him and carefully took the phone out of Louis' hand. "Blue?" Was all hé had to say before louis broke down. Harry was quick to react, he turned louis around and hugged him close to his chest. He played with his hair a bit knowing it would relax Louis.
"I'm so sorry! I'm so sorry Harry" Louis sobbed. Harry frowned. "What are you sorry for darling?" He asked.
Louis looked up and looked him in the eyes. "I hurt of all you! All of you! I scared everyone, I made you guys worried and I made you sad. I was so so mad at you all!" Louis started crying even harder. Harry gently led them to the couch and sat down with Louis in his lap. He started Cartesian the boy and kissing him wherever he could.
"Yes we were scared blue. Of course we were! We thought we lost you! We were so worried. Everything we did was because we love you so much and we all care so deeply. But don't ever feel guilty about this darling! You were in too deep and didn't think there was a way out! We were scared because we thought we were gonna lose you darling." By the end of his speech Harry was crying as well. He remembered how he felt, how scared was. But he also noticed that Louis was fighting so hard and he was so proud of him. It might take a while but Harry wouldn't leave him, he would fight with him and he would always have his back. "I'm sorry" Louis said once again and instead of responding Harry gently turned his head and kissed him, he kissed him with all the love he got, with all the passion he got.

When they pulled away Louis was smiling. "I love you Harry." "I love you too blue, always and forever," Louis replied with a soft "forever and always" and in that moment they both decided that that was gonna be their thing!

Its just a filler chapter I know! But I had to give you guys something! Next chapter will be Louis going home again. He felt safe in the beach house, how will he feel if he goes back? Keep reading! ;) love you all! Stay strong ❤️

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