Mine!|Funny!Flirty! Hanako-kun x Innocent!Awkward! Reader

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(Y/n) = your name
(L/n) = last name
(N/n) = nickname

I'm sitting on the floor in the girls bathroom of the old school, awaiting for Yashiro. I start to relax and look out the window seeing my friend to seem to tend with the school garden. She looks up to the building I'm in, she waves. I'm about to wave back;
until when-
Two arms are wrapped around my waist-

"(L/n)-chan!~" The owner of the arms says.

I jump.

"Oh? Did I scare the all mighty (Y/n)?~"

I look over and I see that its Hanako that's speaking to me.

"Heelllooo?~" the toilet boy says to me once more; as he turned me to face him and started to poke my cheeks.

I try to look away so he couldn't see my blush that started to appear on my face.
"No," I firmly say.

"Hmmmmph". The boy started to pout as soon as a villainous smirk appeared on his face



Hanako-Kun, whaat are you doing?"

He doesn't answer as he backed away from me and put his hand on his chin as to of he was thinking of something serious.  He shuts his big eyes then opens them so his amber orbs can examine me, then went back to shut.

I have no idea what he's doing so I look to the side and start to think about what he was thinking, a clueless look on my face.

The smirked returned on his features as he looked at me again.

"You look cute when you look like your lost in thought. I wonder what you'd look if you thought a little thought of me.~" he says smugly, as he slowly gets closer to me.

I back up, because I need personal space, ya know? But Hanako keeps getting closer until I slightly bump into the wall, Hanako practically pinning me.

I yelp of how much distance there is between me and the toilet boy.

My flush deepening on my face

"Hanako- have ya ever hear-"

I'm cut off by a pair of soft lips against mine.  Okay I'm practically a tomato now.

After a few silent moments we parted.

"Before I go commit tax fraud, anyone want to admit they have a crush on me?~" He says smugly again clearly joking.

"Hanako, you can't go and commit tax fraud you are a ghos-"
I pause for a moment, processing through my head of what Hanako just did to me without my permission

"H-Hanako you sly guy!!"
"S-shut it!"

"Hmph, I kiss you then you comment about my breath? How rud-"

This time Hanako was the one that got cut off.  I wrapped him into a big bear hug.

"Ghehe how cute (N/n)~" Hanako says as he started to groom the ends of my hair.

"Hmph." Is all I'm able to get out of my throat through the embarrassment.

"I love you, (N/n)~" he says beginnging to play with my hair and nibble on my ear alittle.

"Hehe, you're so cute, and your mine (Y/n)~"

He says as he starts to kiss my cheek

"I love you too Hanako."

The End

Hmm idk if I should be proud or disappointed in myself.  I've had another Hanako x Reader one shot on this page but it didn't save and deleted the whole thing so I had to restart the whole oneshot😤. But this one turned out better than the other one( in my opinion lmao) so i think I'm proud of that. But this story still ends the same and kinda has the same plot as the last one so this one belongs in the trash also 😂🗑 . Tf is wrong with me having writing ideas late at night? It's like 12:40 am and I have a freaking SCA tomorrow at school and I'm gonna fucking fail lmao. But yea thanks for reading.

(666 words. Nice)

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