question 13

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Skye: hmm we don't have a party planned or anything but I can still annoy someone around the agency

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Skye: hmm we don't have a party planned or anything but I can still annoy someone around the agency

*walks into Midas' office*

Skye: oh midass~

Midas: yes love

Skye: *pokes Midas*

Midas: why are you pokeing me?

Skye: because

Midas: ok ok stop you gonna make me fall out of my chair

Skye: neava

Midas: skye agh *falls out of chair*

Skye: bahahahahaha I didn't know you would actually fall out of your chair hahahaha

Midas: well I did,god Skye I swear you can be annoying sometimes

Skye: haha yes! Mission accomplished!

*runs out of room*

Midas: *just plain out confused and annoyed*

Skye: well I at least annoyed Midas,the rest of the agents are busy so there's that but FortniteFake thank you for the dare

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