Final Moments

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"I can't take this anymore," I scream at the sky, my lungs burning as I release all the pent up anger from who knows when. And I mean ever word of it. I can't live like this. I've been beaten, abused, and treated like dirt under the feet of my superiors. I haven't done anything wrong. They just matured faster than I did. It's not my fault. My parents threw me on the street, and my pack abandoned me. My name is Violet Blackwood. I am a werewolf.. but I haven't gone through the change. The change is supposed to happen around puberty, but I guess I'm just a late bloomer. I've been alienated by my family, my friends, and my pack, and I'm so tired of it.

"This is it", I think to myself. The view is beautiful. The tree are vibrant with life and blooming flowers cover the fields. Crystal blue waters lap calmly at the bottom of the cliff where I stand, giving a soothing sound to the final moments of my life. I slowly teeter over the edge, letting my foot slip over the edge, as my body begins its rapid descent into another life. Surely, even hell must be better than this.

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