Unfortunate encounter

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     "Vivi, wake up!", is all I hear as my younger brother, Shawn, decided to treat my bed as his very own bouncy house.
     "Dad made breakfast!", Shawn screams as he scrambles his way down the hall, assumably to go get the food his is so energised by.
     I sigh heavily as I shamble out of bed and to the bathroom, kicking one of Shawn's toy cars out of my way. Looking at myself I see that my long black hair is completely tangled and knotted, still damp from my dive into the water last night. My emerald green eyes bloodshot, with large bags underneath them, showing that I have barely slept in days.
     "I told you I wouldn't let you die", speaks the voice in my head, "because I need you here until I can get out"

     I've been told before that the animalistic parts of a werewolf, or the 'Wulf, can sometimes take on their own personality, but lately I'm beginning to wonder if I might just be insane. Why would my Wulf speak to me, but not express itself physically? It just doesn't seem fair.
     After tearing the brush through my hair, I make my way downstairs and see Shawn sitting at the table with my Father, using his claws to cut his pancakes. As per usual, no place was set for me, in graining farther through fact that I was barely considered a part of this family anymore. Even my kid brother has gone through his Change. But nothing on my end.
     "So it finally woke up. Don't be late for school again", Is all he bothers to say to me, although I can hear the venom in his voice. I fill a glass of water, and take a pill from the bottle sitting near the tap. As dramatically as I can, I make a show if taking the pill, then showing Father that it is no longer in my mouth. After his quick nod of acknowledgement, I make my way out the door. 
     Once I get out of view of home, I spit the pill from earlier into a nearby bush. Hormone pills. My Father and the rest of the pack seem to think that hormone were the reason I hadn't gone through the change, but I don't buy it. Anymore they seem to give me pills just to remind me that they can make me do as they say, and I refuse to play their little game.
     As I'm walking towards the school, I see her bussing tables at the local café. My mother. Maia Blackwood. My father recently kicked her out of the house, and regularly threatens me to go live with her. She has the same problem that I do, with not ever having gone through the change. But people treated her better because she was mated to the Alpha of our pack, my father.
     Father had eventually blamed her for my not changing, and began to regularly beat her. I would take Shawn and hide when it happened, but one day, she had had enough of the incessant thrashings that followed my fathers drinking. No one is quite sure how, but when Mom came home one day as a Vampyr, and decided to fight back, she was forced to move out of our house. If not for my grandfather, Ivan Blackwood, the previous Alpha of our pack, she would have been thrown to the woods to live alone. My grandfather allowed her to stay, but only on her own.
     I hang my head as I pass by the café. I don't want to acknowledge her, because then I have to acknowledge that it's may fault she is in this situation.
     "Well if it isn't the little princess", a voice seethes from nearby, "What's  wrong little princess? Daddy not here to protect you this time?"  
     A chill runs down my spine as I turn to face the voice, cowering slightly as I look up into the face of Devon Addams, the 'best quarterback in Farmington history' according to my Father.
     "What do you want Devon?", I say whilst trying to steel my voice from shaking.
     "Oh look at that. Little princess is scared of us boys", he says loudly, as two of his friends, Ralph Baker and Justin Kiaon, step around the corner. My shoulders immediately become tense.
     Run. Get away

     I shake off the voice and steel myself once more, setting my jaw so it doesn't betray my true emotion, "What do you want, Devon? Just because you only care about tossing a ball doesn't mean the rest of us want to miss class".

Devon and his friend shoot me a dirty look and I shiver, bracing myself to run.  Before my foot leaves the ground, Ralph and Justin each grab on if my arms, lifting my a foot off the ground.
     "H-hey! Put me down!"
     "Not a chance princess," Devon sneers, "see, I've been getting a scent around you lately. That sweet scent that only shows up when your mate is around", he continues while pacing in front of me, "but I absolutely REFUSE to have a filthy little Omega as my mate"
     Is he joking? I haven't had any reaction to him at all. Does it only happen if you've been through the change? "I don't know what you're talking about", I say weakly
     Before I can react, Devon lifts my by the throat and begins taking me into the nearby alley, my feet kicking wildly through the air. I try to protest, but can't breathe with his hand around my throat.
     "Let's give the bitch what she wants", he motions to Justin and Ralph, " you know she been waiting for it", he continues as he ties my hands behind my back with his shirt.
     He turn me around right as he and his friends drop their pants.

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