One • The Vanishing of Will Byers

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"Something's coming,its hungry for blood." Mike stated. Mike's been one of my friends for years, along with Will Byers, Lucas Sinclair and Dustin Henderson.

"A shadow grows on the wall behind you, swallowing you into darkness." We're playing Dungeons and Dragons well, the boys are I don't really understand the game. They still call me their Rouge anyways.

"It is almost here."

"What is it?" Will asks. "What if its the demogorgon, Oh Jesus, we're so screwed if its the demogoron." Dustin says worriedly. Dustin's always worried our group kind of gets bullied a lot at school.

"It's not the demogorgon." Lucas tries to convince Dustin.  "An army of troglodytes charges into the chamber!" Mike yells. I don't really know what that is. There's two slices if pizza left so I grab one and pick the pepperoni's off.

I laugh. "Lucas told you it wasn't the demogorgon Dustin."

"Did you hear that?" Mike whispers. "That sound."

"BOOM BOOM BOOM" I slam my hand into the table for effect.

"That came from something else." The boys look at each other .

"THE DEMOGORGON!" Im pretty sure someone will need to cast fireball to get the demogorgon away.

"You're all in deep shit." I cackle and I finish my pizza.

"WILL YOUR ACTION" Mike yells. He sure does a lot of yelling.

"I dont know." Will looks says sounding confused.

"FIREBALL HIM!" Lucas screams. "I'D HAVE TO ROLL A 13 OR HIGHER!" He replies. I think he should take the chance and fireball him.

"Too risky. Cast a protection spell." Dustin never takes the risky way. He's too cautious.

"Don't be a pussy. FIREBALL HIM!"

"Cast protection!"


"FIRE BALL HIM WILL" I yell, if I can't play might as well help. "Cast protection." Dustin keeps saying.

"HE ROARS IN ANGER!" At this point the panic is evident on all their faces. Its kinda funny watching them bicker over a game.

"Fireball!" Will yells as the die hits the floor.

"Oh shit where'd it go?" I ask looking under piles of junk. All I find is an old G.I Joe.

"Is it a 13?" Dustin asks. "I don't know!" Will sounds panicked.

"MIKE!" I hear Mrs. Wheeler yell from upstairs. But the boys are still yelling about the die and don't hear her.

"MIKE!" She opens the door to the basement and looks at us.

"Mom we're in the middle of a campaign!" Mike yells back. If I yelled at my mom like that I would've been grounded instantly.

"You mean the end? It's 15 after."

Mike runs out of the basement to probably ask his mom for another 20 minutes. Everyone is still looking for the die, it doesn't help that the Wheeler's basement is a complete mess.

Will eventually found the die and he rolled a seven. Lucas said it doesn't count if Mike didn't see it but Will is probably gonna tell him anyways. He's honest like that he needs to learn how to live a little.

"HEY LUCAS RACE YOU TO OUR BIKES!" I challenge him. I always win every time.

"YOU'RE ON MARQUEZ!" By the time he says that I'm already up the stairs. He's definitely gonna owe me one of his mom's brownies now.

"Theres something wrong with your sister." Dustin's the last one out because he wanted to give Nancy the last slice of pizza. He probably has a crush on her, I don't blame him she's really pretty.

"What are you talking about?"  Mike asks.

"Shes got a stick up her butt." Jeez he didn't have to word it like that. But Nancy has been different lately. She started dating my neighbor and my sisters best friend Steve Harrington.

The boys argue with Mike about how Nancy wasn't always a jerk. Will doesn't say anything though he never really talks about anyone. Not even his bullies.

"Yea, Nance used to be really nice when she would dress up for our campaigns." I add as I fidde with the zipper to my jacket. It's always so cold I should've asked Piper to pick me up.

"Whatever, bye Mike." We all start riding off except Will he stays behind to talk to Mike a little bit longer.

Eventually Lucas and I seperate from the other boys. Most of the time we ride home together because we live the same way. I live a little farther though up in Loch Nora.

"Bye Lukey Poo don't forget you owe me a brownie!" I yell as he rides up into his driveway.

"Shut up Mari I told you not to call me that!" He always says that but I never listen.

I bike in silence for a few minutes until I get home. Only Piper's car is here Mom and John are probably still out on their date.

My key is under one of our potted plants like always. When I open the door Piper and Steve are in the living room. "Hey Pipes, hey Steve." I say as I make my way to the stairs.

"Hey Mar" they say in unison. Steve and Piper have been best friends since we moved here. He has the reputation of being a douche but he's actually really nice if you get to know him.

As I run up the stairs into my room I throw my shoes off into some unknown corner of my room. I flip into my bed not even worried about putting on pajamas. I'm really tired considering Mike made the campaign 10 hours long. Kinda extra if you ask me

I stare at my ceiling too lazy to set my alarm. I hope Piper wakes me up tomorrow. I think about how I can't wait to see Will tomorrow, I'm really close with him and he helped me a lot when my biological dad passed away. So I made something for him he deserves it.

Jaz Speaks-

Omg finally done with this chapter
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⏰ Last updated: Jul 10, 2022 ⏰

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