Chapter 14 | I have to admit

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Y/n's POV // 12:00 pm // later in the day //

"WHY ARE WE STILL HERE?" Abby yelled.

We sat in my room, all too scared to go around the castle in fear of bumping into some old acquaintances.

"I-I don't know..." I muttered.

I was laying my head on Sams lap on the bed while Abby sat at the edge.

Sebastian was walking around the room as so was Grace and Zen.

"You know what, if I go outside you have to come with me" I rolled off of Sams lap and looked to Abby.

"Or why don't we all just go?" Zen looked to me.

"Good idea" I stood up.

We all walked over to the doors before it suddenly opened.

"Lady Y... Y/n! You've been in here for too long!" Paris ran into the room.

Paris, the trainee maid at the castle.

I always loved her red hair.

"Is she dead!?" A voice came from the hallway.

"No!" I yelled to the dark green haired soon to be butler.

"I'm fine Miyu" I smiled to him as he entered.

"There's rooms set up for the guests.. Abby you'll have to go back to your parents just like before.." Miyu muttered.

Abbys parents..

Caroline and Pierre.

They organized the market in town square.

"Definitely not.. I'm staying here with Y/n" Abby glared at the poor butler.

He only nodded hesitantly, clearly nervous.

"I'll lead you to the rooms now" Miyu whispered, we followed the shorter male and one by one everyone checked out their rooms.

Abby stayed with me in my room, which was a first having her sleep in there.

We'd always hang out in here but never did she get the chance to sleepover.

Abby and I reminisced in the halls of the castle, walking slowly in tense air.

"Are you okay?" Abby looked down at me.

Abby was always just a bit taller than me growing up, and she still is.

"Yeah.. I'm fine, it's just that the balls gonna be really annoying.. imagine how many stares were gonna get for running away"

I bumped her elbow with mine playfully and laughing at our choices.

"We had no choice, if we didint run we would probably be dead" she laughed and punched my shoulder softly.

"Nuh-uh! I would totally get us out of there! Remember I'm a mage" I pushed her a little harder but not enough to hurt her.

She laughed and pushed me aswell, we continued and kept pushing each other before I felt myself trip back.


I opened my eyes to Abby standing in front of me.

Behind me was a tall male holding onto me.


Not just any male.

"Forest! My apologies! I didint mean to bump into you" I turned around, apologizing to the head knight.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 08, 2020 ⏰

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