Chapter 6

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Scene opens at Pia and her teammates doing the project

Suddenly Abhay comes "Pia we need to talk" he drags her out of the class to a corner "Abhay what are you doing leave me"
"Pia I'm sorry "
"Sorry for what Abhay ?"

Sorry for what happened in morning I shouted at you
Pia jerks his hand, It's okay Abhay says Pia annoyingly and leaves to class

After sometime Abhay comes to class and sits beside Pia, she stares at him.
Hey don't give me those death stares he whispers to her
"Why are you here you are not a part of our team" everyone asks
I asked professor he allowed me to join in this project cuz I was  interested in it that's the reason I'm here, So guys how much information did you gathered he said while checking papers, everyone starts explaining him about the project, Pia just rolls her eyes (jerk it's his wish whenever he wants to act cold he acts cold and whenever he wants to be friends he does it what the freaky jerk) she thinks
Abhay smirks

After completing the project everyone gets up and leaves, Pia is gathering her books, Abhay standing there looking at her, "Abhay why don't you leave" cuz I don't want to. "Then stop staring at me" I don't want to. "
She gathered her stuff and ready to leave "Pia stop" she stops "what do you want Abhay?"
Pia why are you ignoring me ?
Abhay cuz I'm not interested to talk to you, cuz from the very beginning you were rude to me and I have self respect and I-  "I'm sorry Pia" he pulls her close caresses her cheek "I'm sorry Pia I know I was wrong pls forgive me" in a sweet tone.
Her heart beats faster being this close to him she can feel his warmth (why am I melting to his touch t- this feeling is so good and why is he acting this way suddenly) she pulls away, it's okay Abhay I forgive you 'smiles'
Abhay smiles as well

After College

Hello beautiful, she didn't listen he leans close to her from back and whispers in ear,  "I said hello beautiful" she jumps at her place and looks back in shock 'her eyes wide'
excuse me ?? Who are you ?
What you forgot already? Me who helped you in the morning with books
O-oh yes thankyou very much
"Well.. wanna be friends" he says forwarding his hand
Pia finds him strange and doesn't wants to shake hands, she don't know what to say, in meantime someone grabs her hand and drags her to car and made her sit in the car
Sid smirks 

I know its very short chapter ....
But I'm going to stop this story as it's so boring i guess and very soon I am going to publish a new and intresting story Pls do support

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 25, 2020 ⏰

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