~Chapter One~ Run

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It was a cold stormy night in the town of eliwinsboruogh, the trees were hotting my window creating the pattern of an opague hand, the wind was howling as the crescent moon smiled at the night. Eliwinsboruogh was always like this on a crescent moon beautiful in a sadistic way.  I guess you could say that about the town in general, everyone shut and locked their doors, bordered up their windows, and layed picket fences all around their houses at night in fear of one of the patients from the assylum outside of town escaping again, but me I had picket fences, electric fences, bulletproof windows, and dead bolt locks, enough to kepp me safe, but no system's inpenetrable. I found that out last night when I walked into my backyard to watch the stars and saw a body brutally murdered by my pattio. I ran to the phone and dialed 911, after three rings they finally answered 'hello 911, theres a dead body in my back... the line cut off, I began running to the door screaming for help only for my mouth to be clamped shut by a cold hard hand covering my mouth. Unable to break free, I started panicking, then a white cloth was put over my face. I tried not to breath but soon I let in and heard the words sleep tight from a raspy voice before I fell into a heavy sleep.

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