Chapter 4

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"YAH!" Taehyung half-yelled; catching Jimin's attention promptly. Jimin seem to be in a dazed a while ago. Jimin stirred, looking at his peer with shocked face.

"W-What?" He looked around, seems to be panicking a bit. Taehyung just threw some fits of giggles, bemused by his friend attitude.

"Aishh..." Taehyung shook his head. "What makes you ignored my question huh?" Taehyung asked.

"It seems like you had a big trouble. Are they another ghost at your apartment?" He laughed, sitting beside the raven haired man.

Jimin let out a sigh, facing Taehyung. Some muffles noises could be heard at the background, probably Jin who was nagging at the other bangtan members.

"It's strange." Jimin began. "Something's weird with my place," He locked his brown irises with Taehyung. Taehyung began to frown.

"What do you mean?" He queried, his arms were now crossed across his chest. His mouth formed into a small pout, brows were furrowed; defining his puzzled state.

"Recently," Jimin started. "There's something wrong with my apartment." He continued. Taehyung listened carefully; his full attention was on his buddy.

"It was incredibly neat and fragrance." Jimin stated. "Clothes were folded nicely, laundry was done, mopping done, vacuuming done, throwing out rubbish done. Everything was completed and neatly arranged." Jimin proceed.

"Lavender and vanilla mixed scent lingered around the house and it was so super clean." Jimin throw a confused look. "Oh, and there was also dinner prepared for me!" He exclaimed, almost shouting.

"Isn't it strange?" Jimin wandered. His mind soon flew through his flashbacks, trying to call out his memories again.

"Mr. Kang, the supermarket owner around my block had sent me boxes of groceries and other food to my apartment, saying it was an order under my name and it had been paid." Jimin said.

"And surprisingly; my money was lost as well; the same amount with the bills." Jimin added. Taehyung seems to be shocked.

"Woah, is there any stalker trailing after you?" Taehyung stunned. He unconsciously bit his inner cheek.

"I don't know," Jimin stated, plopping his elbow onto the table surface. "There's no sign of harm at all." He shrugged, landing his chin onto his hands.

"Strangely, it's all happen after I brought a cat home." Jimin stated. "A cat?" Taehyung blurted. Jimin just nodded his head, agreeing to the boy's statement.

"A fluffy, chubby white female cat." Jimin exclaimed. "She was super cute, I can't help it." Jimin added, smiling to himself as he remembered about his pet cat.

Taehyung just hummed. "Well, let's just wait a little more." The ebony haired man stated, causing Jimin to nod vigorously.

"KIM TAEHYUNG!" Jin's voice echoed across the empty café. Taehyung gulped, staring at Seokjin's angry figure. Jungkook was standing beside him, smiling awkwardly to both Taehyung and Jimin.

"Care to explain why the cake I save for everyone earlier had gone?" Seokjin tapped his feet. Taehyung awkwardly laughed, gulping afterwards.

He soon on his knees, apologizing as he explained; he and the maknae, Jungkook had finished the cake during lunch.


The latch swept nicely onto his place again as Jimin closed the door of his apartment. Jimin heaved a tired sigh; the whole day was exhausting for him.

His eyes landed onto the white furry figure on the floor, swinging her tail gracefully as she locked eyes with Jimin. Jimin beamed a smile, darting towards he creature.

"Hi," He stroked her fur, receiving a purr from the cat. Jimin smiled again, adjusting his bag strap on his shoulder.

The latter soon scooped the fluffy ball in his arms, strolling towards the kitchen. His eyes glued onto the food on the kitchen counter.

"As expected," Jimin stated. He placed the cat onto the marble surfaces, son scanning the delicious meal in front of him. He looked at it deadpanned, soon sighing.

He soon snapped his head towards the cat; which was gracefully licking her fur. "Do you know who make this?" He asked, his index finger was pointing at the food.

The cat just meowed. Jimin bitterly smiled. "I hope that I understand you," He said. His eyes soon fixed onto the food again.

"Let's both have a dinner and get to sleep, yeah?" Jimin assured, his eyes crinkled a crescent as he smiled sweetly. The cat meowed again, agreeing to his owner.


Jimin frowned as his felt something soft and furry near his face. His eyes were still tightly shut. The morning seems to be different to him.

The sweet lavender-vanilla scent lingered around his nose. The scent was overpowering, so strong as it seems like the smell was so close to him. The warmth engulfing him was intoxicating, so calm and cosy.

Jimin grimaced; inhaling a deep breath as he slowly pushed himself awake. His eyes narrowed as the sudden sun rays streaked into his orbs.

His gaze soon landed on something furry, which turned out to be cat's ears. The ears were dug between (h/c) locks, which cause him to frown slightly.

His eyes widened as he saw a chubby girl was hugging him as she slept soundly. Her face was on his chest, while her body was securely in his arms.

"Woah!" Jimin yelled, pulling away from the girl. His butt landed onto the cold floor, slowly backing away from the bed. His rapid breath and waved chest defined how shocked he was.

The girl stirred, slowly opening her eyelids. She sat on the bed yawning; her white cat ears were moving a bit as she stretched her sore body.

Jimin gulped as he eyed the girl. He felt a sudden panic as he realized only his black hoodie was coating her figure.

"W-who are you?" He exclaimed. The girl tilted her head, looking at the male before her.

"Why are you on my bed?" He queried more. He was shaking, too surprised. The chubby girl looked at him confused.

Her eyes widened as she looked down. "I'm sorry master!" She exclaimed, quickly standing up and bowing; apologizing nonstop.

"M-Master?" Jimin blurted. His eyes soon glued onto the black collar that was wrapped around her throat. His eyes widened once again, staring at the chubby figure before him.

"F-Fluffy?" He queried, causing the girl to bit her lower lip nervously, nibbling onto the flesh.



Hi guys!

After like almost two months I didn't update, finally I made it! Thanks to all ur support peaches! I luv u!

How are you all doing? Well sadly, I'm still on hiatus.. At least u will know that I was still alive. UwU... I luv u guys so much....

Do you like the chapter? Please tell me, UwU. I am really looking forward to ur opinion. Gladly tell me how do u think bout' this chapter by leaving a comment.

Anyway, thank you so much for reading, voting, leaving a comment and also placing this ff and my other books into ur reading list!

Tq so much.... I really appreciate ur support. Thank you so much!

I luv u so much, peaches...
Borahae ~~~ 💜💜💜😙😙😙

P/s : Don't forget to check on my other ff!

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