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"There she is" Aja said quietly as she and Krel opened their lockers. Krel looked over to see Aria opening her locker. "Well, now's your chance little brother" Aja said as she gave him a little push. "Alright, geez" Krel replied. He let out a small nervous breath of air before walking over to Aria. "Hey, um, Aria?" he said. Aria looked at him.

"Oh, hey Krel. Quick question, did I leave my video log tablet over at your place?" she said. Krel pulled his backpack off of his shoulder and opened it, pulling out the device. "Oh thank god. I was looking everywhere for it" Aria said, relieved as she took it back. She then noticed Krel's nervous look. "Hey, are, you alright?" she asked. "Um..." Krel trailed off as he looked at his sister, who nodded. Krel looked back at Aria. 

"Well, uh, me and my sister, we, may have decided to view your video logs" he admitted, looking down. When he looked up, Aria's eyes were filled with anger and fear. "How far did you get?" she asked, her tone dripping with the same emotions in her eyes. "We stopped after the fifth entry" Krel told her. Aria shut her eyes tight and turned her head away as she held her tablet closer. "Aria, I-" Krel started to say before Aria cut him off. "No, don't. You weren't supposed to see any of that! How dare you?! What gives you the right to look through my personal things?!" she snapped, tears brimming.

Krel didn't answer. He only looked away in shame. "Exactly. Nothing" Aria told him as a few angry tears slipped from her eyes. She turned and walked away after shutting her locker. Krel sighed and walked back over to his sister. "I guess she didn't take it too well?" Aja asked when Krel reached her. "You could say that" he replied. 

"Today, is going to be terrible" he groaned. And he was right. In every class, Aria ignored him, not even half-glancing at him. And she gave him the silent treatment on top of it. Krel feared that he had lost his best friend... And his crush. "Krel, you should find her. See if you can't reconcile with her" Aja suggested. 

"How can I? Aria probably hates me" Krel replied. "Krel, I don't think she hates you. She was probably just reminded of the pain that she had felt on that day and simply acted out against it" Aja told her brother, who sighed. "You really think I can save my friendship with Aria?" he asked. "I know, you can. Now go and find her" Aja replied with a smile. "Alright, alright, yeesh" Krel told her. After school, the two went back to the Mothership, where Krel waited for nightfall. Aria had recently showed him her favorite place in Arcadia. 

It did have a nice view, especially during sunrises and sunsets. After night had fallen, krel, still in his human form, left the Mothership and went into the forest. He knew the way to the cliff that overlooked Arcadia, and that was where he was going. When he emerged from the forests, he saw that his suspicions had been corrected. Aria, also in her human form, was sitting at the edge of the cliff with her knees against her chest and her arms wrapped around her legs. Krel took a deep breath and let it out before walking over to her. Aria quickly noticed and looked away. 

"What do you want?" she asked. Krel mentally flinched the coldness in her tone, but he also detected hints of sadness, pain, and grief. "I wanted to apologize for going through your personal stuff" he replied as he sat down beside her, making sure to put a little bit of distance between him and Aria. Aria sighed through her nose. "Its okay... I guess. I probably would've done the same thing if I was really curious about something" she replied as she rested her head on her knees. Krel looked at her curiously. "Really?" he asked. 

Aria huffed. "Yeah, probably" she replied. Krel scooted a bit closer to her. "I know this might be a bad time to bring this up, but, I'm really sorry for what happened to your home and family" he said gently. "Thanks" Aria replied softly. Krel took a chance and scooted a bit closer to her. "So, are we friends again?" he asked. 

Aria softly smiled. "We always were Krel" she said, looking at him. Krel smiled back. His hands started glowing and his eyes turned back to their usual black and blue color. "Looks like your transduction's wearing off" Aria noted. "Ah kleb" Krel said. Aria shielded her eyes from the bright flash and looked back to see Krel in his usual Akiridion form. 

He then looked at her. "How come you never turn into your Leviathan form?" he asked. Aria smirked. "Its a power that I'm born with. I can change forms at will" she replied. "Lucky" Krel huffed with mock sadness. Aria laughed a bit. "Indeed. Because I'm better than you" she replied. 

"No your not" Krel objected, looking at her. "Yes I am" Aria told him, giggling a bit. "No, you, are, not" Krel replied, poking her side with a lower arm with each word he spoke. Aria jerked away. "Ack! No! Stop it!" she laughed, covering her side up. She then saw something in Krel's eyes. Mischief. 

And it was accompanied with a smirk. Oh boy. Aria immediately narrowed her eyes in suspicion at him. "Krel, what are you planning?" she asked carefully as she started leaning away from him. "I'm not planning anything. I don't know what your talking about" Krel replied, his voice dripping with mischief. Aria only leaned away a bit more from him, but she didn't notice him slowly sneaking one of his lower arms around her back. That is until he started tickling her. 

"Hey! Quit it!" Aria cried as she started laughing. Krel didn't stop. Instead, he pinned Aria down with two arms and used the other two to tickle her. He showed no mercy, laughing as Aria writhed around under him, trying to get out of his grasp as he tortured her. After he had his fun, Krel finally got of of Aria, who was wheezing hard. "I-hate-you-so much-right now" Aria breathed as she laid on her back. Krel chuckled. 

"No you don't" he replied. Aria playfully glared at him, making him laugh a bit more. "I'll get you back" she told him as she sat her self up. "I can't wait to see you try" Krel teased. Aria rolled her eyes. After the two caught their breaths, Krel decided now was the best time to confess something. "Hey, Aria? Um, I kinda have something to tell you" he said. 

Aria looked at him. "Yeah?" she asked. "Well, we have known each other for a while and, um, I may like you more than just as a friend" Krel admitted, a dark blue color slowly spreading over his cheeks. Aria blushed a bit as well as she processed his words. She then softly smiled and looked up at the stars. "Well, I may or may not feel the same way about you" she replied, her blush getting slightly darker. "Y-you like me?" he asked. 

Aria looked at him. "Yeah, I-mmf!" she started before Krel suddenly pressed his lips against hers. Aria's eyes widened, but she closed them and kissed back. Krel gently cupped her face with two hands while the other two rested on her hips. After a bit, the two pulled away from each other and Krel rested his forehead against Aria's. "Will you be my girlfriend?" he asked quietly. "Without a doubt, yes" Aria replied. 

Krel smiled and pecked her lips once more before pulling away and sitting down. He gently pulled Aria against him with a smile as he wrapped one arm around his shoulders and another around her waist. Aria gently leaned her head against his shoulder, and Krel leaned his head against hers. Then the two watched the stars move past them...

I hate you, I love you (3Below Krel x OC)(Discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now