Chapter 5:Go Out With Me

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The business was slow, only 3 people were in the Shack, an old couple admiring a monkey's head and torso glued to a dolphin's tail with the heading "mermaid", how people believe this bull Gideon will never know, and the last individual is a blonde girl about Gideon's age and she kept glancing in Gideon's direction while pretending to look at the staffed "Lion Bear" or as Gideon calls it "Lion's head glued to a freaking bear", how dumb are the people of this town? They would believe right about anything.

"Hey," Gideon looked up from his phone at the sound of a girl's voice, the girl who kept looking at him for the past 30 minutes, "Hey," he said back, "Need any help?"

"No." She smiled at him "I just wanted to know if you're free like this-"

"Gideon!" Both Blondie and Gideon's head snapped in the direction of Mabel's voice, who made her way down the stairs towards them.

As she walked towards them she lost her footing and nearly fell to the ground if not for Gideon holding her quick by the shoulders, the room fell silent as Gideon and Mabel stared at each other, Mabel looked scared, intimidated, and uncertain, as though she'd made a fatal mistake, but there was something else in her eyes; determination, and if Gideon was completely honest he was probably supposed to be more concerned by the last emotion, but he didn't care, because Mabel was in his arms.

Gideon's heart was beating fast like crazy, he knows he shouldn't do what he was about to do next but he did, he slide his hands down her shoulders slowly, his eyes moving down with his hands, he just wanted to feel her skin under his palms and yes, it had been as soft as it looked, Mabel flinched away from his touch after a few seconds and visibly shuddered before muttering an awkward 'thank you' as she self-consciously rubbed her bicep.

Gideon had no right to feel heartbroken; none, but he did.

He would give anything to have her touch him, willingly touch him without shuddering or hesitation, even if it was just a handshake, he hated how she made him feel.

 " well this is awkward," Blondie spoke up, "I didn't know you had a girlfriend,"

"No, we're not-"

"She's not my girlfriend-"

"Oh in that case would you like to-"

"I came down here to ask him out on a date," Mabel said, taking Blondie and Gideon by surprise, Gideon's eyes widened and for a split second, he forgot how to breathe, did his infatuation just say she wanted to go out on a date with him? 10- year-old him came to life at that moment, he couldn't hide the pure joy he felt

"I would love to!" He said with the biggest grin, pulling the girl of his dreams in a tight embrace which she awkwardly returned.

"Great," Mabel said not so enthusiastically as she put the hug to an end.

"Sorry," Mabel said looking at Blondie, who just shrugged "No hard feelings, he wants a date with you," she said honestly as she smirked at Gideon, making him rub the back of this neck uncomfortably, did he seem that desperate?

"Have fun on your date," Blondie said, walking away from the counter and out the door.

"WILL DO!" Both Gideon and Mabel said back.

"Jinx!" They both said facing each other smiling mischievously, but Mabel's smile faded as fast as it came replaced with a gloomy expression and Gideon knew that facial expression from anywhere, it was the same face she'd wear when Gideon pressured her to go on dates with him, which confused him because she was the one who asked him out this time, he did not pressure to do it then why did she look so defeated.

Gideon let out a loud sigh, running a hand through his hair he asked, "Why?"

Mabel tilted her head to the side and furrowed her brows confusedly, "Why what?" she asked. Letting a more frustrated sigh Gideon said; "You asked me..." He placed his hand on his chest "...On a date."He couldn't look her in the eye so he chose to look at his feet "So tell me..." He breathed in and mentally counted to three "Why?"He asked and this time his eyes glued to hers. 

Gideon stood so close to her that they were practically breathing the same air.

Mabel's eyes flickered between both his eyes as though looking for anything besides his insanity and after what seemed like eternity Mabel let out what sounded like a defeated sigh.   

"I don't want to go on a date with you, Gideon," Mabel confessed her eyes never leaving his and Gideon saw nothing, but honesty in them, he wasn't hurt by her confession as much as he was confused by it. 

"If you don't want to go out with me then why-" 

"I have to, okay?!" she practically yelled at him.

"Have to?" Gideon said genuinely confused.

"I need you to finally realize that what you think you feel for me isn't real," Mabel said, with the same honesty in her eyes that pissed Gideon off to the core.

"Excuse me;think ?not real ?" He felt his anger rise, she's joking, she had to be.


"Do you honestly think this isn't real, you think this is an act?"Gideon asked taking a step towards her. 

"Trust me Miss Pines I'd love to quit you!" Gideon said, "I might not be in love with you, but trust me whatever in the hell I feel for you is real every ounce of it."

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