the truth

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Hi my names Noah and this is my story on coming out to my parents.
December 7th 2011 I found out I liked girls and guys I was raised in a very conservative family and I know I cant tell my parents because they wont support it but they will support my brother Waytt he the family favorite. Now I know what your thinking "if they support him why wont they support you?" Well to answer that question... I will tell you my story it start when I was born on june 7th 2006. My parents named me Emily after my great grandma who passed away a week before I was born. I was the baby of the family. My parents loved me and always helped me with anything that I needed help on homework you got it! Singing always said I was really good 10 years later my brother wyatt was born. He was a sweet baby born on August 8th 2016. My parents emeditly forgot about me and anything I ever did. I found out December 8th the day of my brothers 1st birthday he was the favorite now you wouldnt think that he was but I could see the sign when I went to school.... I came home after school and all my stuff was being sold. My mother mary said "emily you lied to us your room was not clean." I went to my room sat on my floor and cried. My parents called me emily my entire life but it never felt right so I went through female names. I liked no of them, I went through male names the one that stuck out to me was..
NOAH! I lover the name I went to school the next day and told my best friend dokota he is always supportive in anything I do, he said "alright so do you want me to call you Noah or Emily."

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 24, 2020 ⏰

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