Chapter 2 - The Crush

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P. O .V

While Wolf and I was going to the park. I felt  so happy cause She accepted on to come with me. I never have a friend before but this is a first I had In a Long time ! I just so happy she just so cute with her little Wolf hoodie on I wonder what her hair looks like without it. I thought to myself

Hey Wolf.


If you don't mind me asking. Why do you wear that hoodie? I asked kindly pointing at it while walking holding up to my belongings

Uh um.. I wear my hoodie because  it's a symbol that I not afraid of anything or I can be Tuff and brave or something like a protector. Wolf said shyly looking away

OMG! That is just the most beautiful thing I ever heard. Wolf is just so compassionate I didn't know she so determined to protect that is just amazing everything about just amazed me in some way! I feel my heart beating fast again . I walk to wolf and wrapped my arms around her and hold her tight. And said You are so amazing and so compassionate I said happily and Blushing . I broke the embrace and smile

Uh .. Thanks Wolf said nervously , Blushing as well

So Wolf wanna to race. I ask excitedly hoping for her reply. Wolf look at me with her mysterious eyes and grin . And I feel my heart is going to melt cause the way she looks at me right now . Oh Boy What is this Feeling!

Sure. Wolf said confidently continued walking down the sidewalk

Really! I said surprisingly. Trying to catch up to wolf

Wolf nod

Ok! I was about to start running. When I felt someone grab my hand. I turn around to see who it was. It was wolf , I walk towards her if she is ok or maybe she don't want to race anymore

Hey wolf you are ok? I asked worriedly

Yeah I'm fine. Let make it little interesting first. Wolf said with smirk on her face

What do you mean interesting. I ask happily looking at her with a smile

I mean a bet

Oh ok. I shrug , I got one if I win I get to draw you when you reach to the park. I said cheerfully doing a cartwheel on the sidewalk

Ok, But Drawing what's that . Wolf ask confused

I turn to wolf and smile . And run towards her and put my arm on her shoulders said Wolf drawing is so much fun! It's just you and your sketchbook drawing anything like nature or cartoon characters. Oh or maybe real people like you. I said sweetly

Wolf look at me and Blush

Aww I made her blush so cute! I feeling my heart beating fast like it's on overdriveI thought to myself

So is there anything you want. I ask politely bending down tidying  my shoe laces

Umm.. maybe some ice cream. Wolf said shyly

Ok. Now wolf you are ready to go cause if you are I'm sure am . I ask excitedly, done tidying my shoe laces

Wolf nodded, wolf bend down on her ready position. So did I

Wolf  turn to me and said on my mark. I smile and nod my head





Wolf and I started to running. Wolf was running so fast like she is lighting in the sky. With her small feet she has. Oh Wow!  Her feet looks so adorable I thought to myself . Then I started to pick up the pace with my Jaguar speed it's like I was running like the flash! My legs was moving like the speed of sound

Then I felt my jaguar ears pop out and my tail. And my arms charge to my Jaguar paws. I feel I can run a mile away. Then I saw
I was catching up with wolf. I smiled. Then I pick up my pace and run pass her with my speed. And I turn around and smile at her

Then by time I already reach my destination . It was the park! I smile and jump of the ground and said

Yes ! I made it

I jump back down and land on my feet. I smiled and waited for wolf at the park.  I was on laying down on the benches taking that fresh air. Then I felt my Jaguar fur was gone.I open my eyes and I saw wolf still running but she running other way

I smile and I got up the bench. And started to yelling name Wolf over here!. I said waving my hand to come here

Wolf turn around and running towards me. With a grinned on her face .Wow your pretty fast! Wolf said I'm sorta supervise by this walking towards me

I know but not fast as you though . I say happily. I turn around to wolf and ask So does this mean I win!! I ask excitedly

Wolf nod 

Yay! I said happily, jumping up down chapping my hands together. I walk towards to wolf and grab Wolf's hand running to my favorite spot at the park

Kipo Where are we going?! Wolf ask trying to catch up

I turn to her and said it's a supervise As we continuing running to my secret spot.

Until then that moment we made it

Wolf welcome to my favorite spot! I said cheerfully. Showing it to her

Wolf look at it and grin. And started to laugh with glee and said That's you favorite spot sitting on the grass near a ice cream Truck! That is so ironic. I can't.

Aww so adorable her laugh is like melted honey. I love to hear that more, I thought to myself

I nodded and smiled. Yup this my favorite now come over here so I can draw you! I said happily. Wolf started walking towards me and sit down next to me on the grass .Really close I felt my heart rate starting to increase by the minute like Crazy!!

Maybe This like having a Crush!

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