Scene 2

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Calabasas- Tacamo hospital- Briefing room

(Connor makes it to the Tacamo hospital. He enter the hospital and makes it the briefing room. Every doctor in the hospital is there. Kiara ends up making an announcement)

Kiara: Greetings everyone, I'm afraid to report that Thehre is a Zombie in the hospital. Apparently we were testing a medicine called Axium Floride on a male paitent/when he turned into a Zombie. Now he could have bitten other people in hospital. When a Zombie bites someone, They etheir turn into a Zombie of get killed. There could be zombies in the Hospital, be aware.

(Connor had a really nervous look on his face.Multiple Zombies started busting down the door and Attack everybody including Kiara. People were ethier being killed or becoming a Zombie Using his MMA skills connor was able to figh his was through the Zombie horde and get to the Entrance.)

Connor: Whew that was a close I Need to go to my office I have weapons there I can use.


Connor Fight the zombies Using his mma skills through the hallway to get to his office. He finally outside his office. Just as he is about to open the door a Zombie comes out and attack him. Just when he is about to get bitten he punches the Zombie multiple time and the Zombie dies.

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