Chapter Two

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Emiko woke up in her bed, confused how she got there, but she assumed Eijun put her there. She changes into running shorts and a dry-fit long sleeves to get ready for her run. She grabs her phone and earphones on her way out. She skips through her running playlist until she finds the perfect song that fits her mood, then puts her shoes on.

    Emiko jogs around her neighborhood, feeling the morning breeze hit her face, and jogging in the same rhythm as the song playing. There's still morning dew on the grass and condensation on the cars she passes by. She can see her own breath still with how early it is. It's around 7 AM, and her body automatically wakes up around that time to go on her daily run. She runs everyday because it just relaxes her. Originally, running was her coping mechanism from her accident, then it became her passion. Because she couldn't play baseball anymore, track became her new love.

    After jogging until she is satisfied, which was about three laps around her neighborhood, she heads back home. She feels sticky from her run, so she goes to take a shower. Oddly, Emiko loves running but hates feeling sweaty.

    Emiko then goes back downstairs to eat some food and she smiles as she sees her twin studying with his friends. Emiko thinks Eijun and Wakana would make a cute couple, but Eijun is too oblivious about things like that. Now, it may seem like Emiko is a loner, but she has friends as well, she just needed a personal day on this Saturday.

    After eating some leftovers that her mom left out, she went back upstairs to study. Emiko scrolled through her phone, opened Spotify and pushed shuffle on her homework playlist to help her focus. Emiko didn't like silence, she felt it was very eerie and it reminded her of bad times. Silence consumes her mind, making her overthink so music becomes a good distraction. Thanks to Eijun, their household is usually noisy which Emiko loves.

Emiko is snapped out of her focus when she hears the voices of her grandpa who's talking with Eijun.

    "I'm screwed, Grandpa! Everyone's flying away, leaving me behind!" Eijun cries.

    "Stop dreaming!" Grandpa yells as he slaps Eijun, "now wash up and come downstairs. Someone came all the way from Tokyo to see you and Emiko." Grandpa then goes to Emiko's door and says, "Emiko, please come downstairs, someone from Tokyo came to see you and your twin."

    Well that was a lot more polite than Ei-nii's notification. "Okay Grandpa, see you there."

    Emiko then changes into a more presentable attire, changing from Eijun's old hoodie and some shorts to some sweatpants, putting on a bra, and a long sleeved top.

On her way out of her room, she bumps into Eijun. "Sorry Ei-nii," Emiko says immediately.

Eijun waves it off saying, "No worries twinnie. Do you know who's here to see us?"

"Not a clue."

    They make their way downstairs together, not knowing the person they will meet will change their lives.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 14, 2023 ⏰

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