Chapter 1

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< Crawford's Pov >

First day back to school first day back to torture. No it's not that I didn't get good grades, it's that the amount of homework the teachers gave you was unreasonable.

But my favorite part of school was the girls, my favorite type are the ones that just throw themselves at me. Because then there is no chase which means no work.

Thats the thing I hate to do is work for things that I'm not going to use more then once. See after a girl has been with me there is no need to reuse.

When you have a sea of other girls willing to hop in bed with you then leave. That is my exact idea of a perfect girl, one that is gonna do the do then leave.

It mighy sound wrong but I'm a nice and pretty decent guy once you get to know me. It's just a lot has happened since my last relationship.

< Madison's Pov >

First day back to school, this is going to be a hard year. Last year I was over weight, had braces, and had big clunky glasses.

But over the summer I worked my butt off to loose the weight, the braces came off, and I got laser eye surgery. Basically this year was a new start.

A new start for me to do anything I wanted, not really anything but to have more opportunities. I got up at the butt crack of dawn.

Took a shower, did my hair and makeup then got dressed since we lived in California the weather was nice all year long and today it was going to 97 degrees.

Thank the heavens that I had just got my license and that my school didn't have a dress code. They just said to cover your junk.

When I was finished I grabbed my gold iphone 6 went downstairs and ate a apple. After I finished eating I grabbed my keys and left for school.

When I arrived at school I saw Karisma she was one of my friends I met when I registered for this highschool.

I'd gotten her number but never texted her, I guess she noticed me because she ran up to me and gave me a hug.

I gladly returned it and then we started to compare our schedules. We had every class together expect 3rd period.

I was happy that at least I'd know someone. Well I knew a lot of people thanks to my older sister.

Me and Karisma started to head to our first class just talking and getting to know each.

When class 1 and 2 were over I gave Karisma a hug and headed to my 3rd period. When I got in class I sat in the back seat the desk were in pairs that were turned to each other.

Class was about to start when a tall brunette boy walked in he searched the room for a seat before choosing the one right infront of me.

I fixed myself up because this boy was extremely hot. He sat by me and smirked, he cleared his throat and I put my head up.

"What's your name goregous?" - Crawford

"Madison and yours?" - Madison

"Crawford" - Crawford

During the whole class period me and Crawford kept talking and got to know each other. I learned he's a junior, he is Karisma's brother, he has two other siblings and he is 6 ft tall.

After 3rd period ended the rest of the day went by super fast. Karisma made me promise to text her and then we both went our own seperate ways.

••• 3 weeks have past •••

Over the past 3 weeks me and Crawford have really gotten to know each other, well I've gotten to know the whole Collins family, they were like a second family now.

Lets just say that I have taken a liking to Crawford hes just amazing....

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