Chapter Seven

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My sister, Yui, wasn't home until about 7 pm, which is the same time she had awoken me from my slumber. 
"Eiichi? What are you doing asleep in your uniform?" 
I rub my eyes and try to wake myself up, "I fell asleep after coming back from school, sorry" 
"it's fine, are you okay?"
"yeah, what's up with people asking me that today?" 
"uh, nothing. I'm fine, really."
"okay, but you have the same look on your face like when you first met Nanase."
"the same look as when I first met Nanase?"
"yeah, it's hard to describe, like a, soft look? I don't know, you just seem like you just back from a date and now you're all soft and mushy." 
I put my hands on my cheeks as I felt my face burn, "date?!" 
"uh yeah"
"that's not what..." I stopped myself, I didn't want to tell Yui, that I had gone to the soba shop with Kaito, she knew I was gay, so she'd take it the wrong way.
"what, what was?"
"nothing, never mind" 
"Eiichi, I know you're lying." 
"I just hung out with a person I met after school, that's all."
"what's so wrong with saying that? If it wasn't a date, why would it matter whether I knew or not?" 
"yeah, you're right." I get up and go to the bathroom, I didn't say anything else to Yui, I just walked away and washed my face in the sink. The cold water helped me wake up, I changed out of my uniform and into normal house clothes. Yui had a full-time job along with college, since dad and mom passed away, she's been taking care of us both. I don't know how she does it, how is she not tired after she gets back? I know I wouldn't be able to handle it. Once I was done, I went downstairs and the smell of the food Yui had brought home filled the air. I wasn't really hungry since I had eaten not that long ago, so instead I started on homework. I open my bag and take out my math booklet, the picture is still in there. I took it out and looked at it, why did I keep it? I kept asking that question over and over to myself after Nanase died. No one knew what really happened, not even Yui, they all knew him as the sweet and genuine guy anyone wanted, and I was the one who caused him to put an end to his life. I didn't know him as an angel though, I guess you could say, he was a nightmare dressed like a daydream. 

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