Chapter 1: The Restless

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Hi my name is Alizah Evergreen.
I'm fifteen with a panda gaurdian.
And this is how it how it all began...
Alizah's POV January 18th ,2015

"This is bad", I thought out loud. "We're gonna get cought", not willingly advancing towards the broad brass doors but was getting pulled by an annoying best friend (Kai).

"No we won't just one quick look inside and we're out" this was gonna be real tough since she didn't want to come. I smiled really quick because I didn't want her to see me. She looks so cute when she's nervous because she bites her lip and taps her foot furiously when she stands.


" See even Travis knows it's wrong to do this" (Travis is Alizah's gaurdian and we will get to the guardians and such towards the middle of the book)

"No I just forgot to turn the water off in the bathroom "

"Ugh" there's no point in arguing with them."Remind me why we're going in the Headmaster's chambers again?"

"Because Max told me that the headmaster had a collection of baby pictures of past students in his desk somewhere so we can see if your parents pictures are in there" I wanted to do this for her so she would trust me more since her parents have disappeared recently and she hasn't seen them since.

"What I never t-!?"

"Huh Max that's what you told me" (Max short for Maxwell is Kai's Panther gaurdian )

I tried really hard not to cry but I did anyway. I tried really hard to not kiss Kai because that's how much I appreciate what he did for me.

"The-thank you Kai, that means a lot to me" I smiled really big and started to get terry eyed and Kai hugged me.

"Anyway let's get a move on and find those pictures of my mum and dad already!"

Hullo Naz here your friendly neighborhood author speaking how do you like my first book keyword first so sorry if it's bad comment please and I will update soon...😃

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