A dreamless sleep

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"ALLISON!!" Lydia screams. She's clinging onto Stiles trying to get him to wake up but it is no use.

And that is when Suddenly she gets the urge to scream, so that's when she screamed.

Screamed for Allison's death. Screamed for Beacon Hills grief. Screamed for Allison to hold on.

To hold on just a little bit longer.

Thats when Stiles wakes up.

He looks up at Lydia. She is shaking. He tries to reach out to her. She flinched away, got up and ran away, and suddenly she was gone.

Stiles was so shocked. He had no idea. He got up and walked down the long hall, supporting himself on the wall. When he reach the end he sees everyone staring at him with disgust, fear and anger.

Lydia, Kira, Kira's mom and Kira's dad, Isaac, his dad, Scott and Mr. Argent. Everyone. Staring at him. With fear, anger and disgust.

Stiles has no idea.

"You killed her."

"We hate you"

"Why would you do that"

"Only if you were strong"

"You killed her"

"You killed her"

"You killed her"

"You killed her"


A scream.

Not a banshee scream.

A scream.

Stiles' scream.


"Shhhhh, shhhh that's it. You're ok, you're ok. It was just a nightmare." Someone is holding him, drawing circles on his back.


Yeah who?

Stiles' scream dies down and he sees his dad on the side of his bed, looking worried. But Stiles notices that it isn't his that that is holding him.

He looks up and is met with the eyes of the one and only Scott McCall. His boyfriend.

Stiles snuggle into Scott' arms arms. He is suddenly tired. But he can't sleep. He can't stop crying. His breathing is frantic. He is afraid to fall asleep.

"Shhh its ok you have me Stiles, it's ok just go to sleep again." He hears.

He wimpers and nod and buries himself in his arms and doze off. He hears people around him talking. But he can't make out what they are saying.

He is so tired that our little stiles here falls asleep again. And with his dad, friends and Boyfriend by his side, Maybe just mabye one day he will have a dreamless sleep.

And that was right after he fell asleep again.

A dreamless sleep

- super thank you guys for reading this one-shot!!


Wordcount: 400

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