Chapter 2: The Night Before Eid

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After surviving wearing something like an African robe,the chocolate maniac of a principle, and the crazy cat lady that doubles as her supervisor Myriam finally reached her class.

She was introduced to the class by some English Teacher who thought he was cool.Sophie smiled at her as she passed.Then she saw a girl sitting behind Sophie staring at her with killing intent.
"This is going to be easier than I thought"said Myriam to herself.
Ayman on the other hand simply slept through the whole routine.He entered the class then slept on the first desk that came to his sight.The teacher yelled at him for being rude not introdocing himself.Frikkin teacher had a beard.
"Sorry Sir,my plane arrived at 1 Am last morning and I bearly got any sleep."When in reality he spent the whole night trying to crack Hadi 's firewall.
"No excuses!Out of my classroom!NOW!"
"Hey old man,give the guy a
break,you know how tiresome flights can be?"
"Ohh Mr.Hafi you can join him too!"said the Arabic teacher.
Hadi and Ayman sat outside.
"Sorry I got you into this"
"Nah,got used to it.Especially in that nut case's classes."
"You guys have one heck of a teacher."
"Hahahaha,you can say that again!"
"Ehh I'm Ayman nice to meet you"
"I'm Hadi .A pleasure,don't worry about this school,you'll get used to it."
"I hope so"
Myriam looked for the girl eying Sophie during the recess.And by "recess" she meant spending 15 minutes on the female building roof in the blazing sun since males took the main play ground.Apparently in this school girls and boys are separated.Myriam speculated the reason they split the two up can be one of two:
1-Boys here are sexual animals that need to be caged,while girls are innocent dumb creatures.
2-This school is retarded.
Myriam finnally found the girl but she saw another two girls with her.Judging by the cold stare they gave anyone who got in a 2 feet radius to the girl Myriam thought they were some bodygaurds.Yet when Myriam approached they did nothing.
"It's probably because I'm new"wondered Myriam.
She reached the girl after the two "bodygaurds" moved for her.
"Hey there."
"Hello to you too.I'm Hilda Hallaj,president to the student
council,and a loyal friend to those who prove loyal."
"I'm Myriam,I'm sure we'll get along."
Hilda dismissed her bodygaurds for a moment.
"So,those two are your friends?"
"Kind of,they help me with errands and stuff."
Myriam noticed Hilda moving her head,fixing her stare at Sophie as she walked with Magnolia and Layla.
"I don't think I like that girl.I heard she gets some special treatment cause she's British"said Myriam
"Step 1:Get close to her"wondered Myriam.
"She rubs me the wrong side alright"said Hilda.
"I wonder if there's anything special about her"
"Step 2:Gather info"wondered Myriam to herself
"I told my followers to keep an eye on her during the last week.She's definetly suspicious"
"Really?What did she do?"
"Well first her special treatment has no reason.I mean we have another guy at school who gets such treatment,but he's a smart bastard.Second,our Arabic teacher told her to write her name in Arabic,but she couldn't hold a chalk properly!And when she sat down at her desk I was extending my arm to borrow an eraser from the girl next to her.When I touched the metal part of the desk with my hand I burned myself, it was hot as hell!Third,did you know she sent a guy to the hospital?3 Fractured ribs?"

"She did what?!"
"His name is Hadi,he was always the poster boy for sexual
harrasment when opportunity comes,he tried to harras Sophie,she caught his left arm and threw him to the wall next to the female building when the busses where here.Then Hadi shows up and says that she's trained in a Dojo and that we should excuse her,but he seemed nervous for some reason"
"That's one weird girl"said Myraim
"A girl I have to avoid for now,I'll just keep collecting info indirectly from this Hilda girl"wondered Myriam
Hadi sat in his room thinking about Ayman.Then he decided to get professional help.Hadi activated his earpiece.
"Sorry,can't pause online games.Make it quick"
"I will,there are two new students in my school"
"Myriam and Ayman"
"How do you....."
"I like reading the principle's personal notes on students.He hates you by the way"
"Why am I not surprised"
"Anyway,I checked the reports of those two.All blanks."
"Claude are you absolutly sure?!"
"Hey,even if they are blank these reports take time to be fully written.I'm sure those two are ok.But keep an eye out just in case,they may be those two HIT offcials that came to Beirut the other day,Did you talk to any of them?"
"Yes,the male"
"Did he seem suspicious?
"Not really."
"Then there you have it.Now excuse me another match is about to start"
Hadi deactivated his earpiece then decided to work on his PC.Suddenly somebody poked his back.
"OWWW!"Hadi turned around to see his mother there.
"You scared me to death Mom!"
"Did I now?What are you doing here?!"
"It's my house?"
"Do you know what today is?"
"Hopefully not your birthday,cause I didn't get you anything."
"No!It's the Night Before Eid!"
"Why are you here?Wear your Eid clothes and take Sophie to the S Square."
"Hadi calls the Sabra we know as S Square.Don't get fooled people."-Claude Sayigh Databases.
"And why should I do that?"
"Because she's a forgeiner and she doesn't know how beautiful Eid is.The decorations are always lit the night before Eid,not to mention that all the shops are open.C'mon you'll have fun!"
"No.I have work to do"
"Oh well what a shame.Sophie looked so beautiful in her Eid clothes."
Hadi stared at the computer,then his cheeks went on fire.
"Well,fortunately I have some parts I need to get.Tell Sophie to get ready."
"Alright you better get ready"
Hadi 's mom went to get Sophie.
"Pfffft,Men!"wondered Hadi 's mom.
Hadi waited under his building gate.Sophie said she'll be ready in 5 minutes,yet it's already been a quarter of an hour.
"Pfffft,Women!"wondered Hadi .
Hadi felt something touching his shoulder.He turned around in surprise to see Sophie wearing a red dress with red lipstick.
"You want to walk around S Square looking like that?"
"Usually boys say Wow when they see a girl in a red dress."
"Well I'm not your average boy,now am I?"
Sophie lowered her head looking at the ground.
"Hahaha,I'm just kidding"
"Har har.Very funny"
"But really,you look amazing"
"Thank you.Nice shirt"
"Well then,Mademoiselle Sophie,would like to spend the Night Before Eid with me?"said Hadi as he extended his arm.
"That's the worst french impersonation I ever heard.Lets
go!"Sophie caught Hadi 's hand and ran to the Square.
Hadi Entered the Square awkwardly holding Sophie's hand.
The decorations were simply beautiful,the colorfull lights dangling from electric poles,the fresh scent of Eid sweets,add to that the many people and all the open shops,the S Square never looked better.
"Hadi ,do usually come here?"
"Me?Well,rarely really,except sometimes at night,there's a really old cafe where I like to
drink coffee at.I'll show it to you later."
"Ok.But first I want to introduce you to some good people!C'mon"
Hadi was surprised at the fact a foreigner was going to introduce him to people,where as its supposed to be vice versa.What was more surprising was the fact Sophie lead him to a Tailor's shop.
"I didn't rip any holes in my pants yet Sophie,what are we doing here?"
"Yet?Anyway,you have to meet Uncle Samir!He's the one that made this dress for me"
As they walked pass the shop they saw a middle aged man standing infront of the tailor shop.
"Looking good Miss Hafi."he said with an impressed look.
"Thanks Uncle Samir!"
As they got farther Hadi gave Sophie a mocking face.
"Miss Hafi?Am I to understand something from this?"said Hadi as he made eye contact with Sophie
"I don't know" Sophie averted her eyes.
Everybody that walked past them giggled or gave them a weird look.They found a sweet shop where Sophie insisted she tried everything.The they enjoyed eating cotton candies.
"I love those finger stuff,delicious.I love this country!"
"Just wait till tomorrow,there'll be music,games,and tons of people.Eid is awesome"
"Will you take me?"
"Of course,I'm sure all of our friends will be there"
Sophie noticed a fence like structure with sheep behind it.
"Hadi ,what's with the sheep?"
"That's for Eid.You see we have two Eids here.One is after a whole month of fasting,the other is this one,they are days of happiness,so that's why everybody wears new clothes.As for the poor we give them clothes and meat via these sheep.Tomorrow morning they'll be slaughtered."
"That's a bit sad,lets go say good bye to them"
"Ehhh,you sure?"
One awkward sad moment with some sheep later,Hadi smelled cooking in the air.
"You smell that?"
"That must be Foad's Mother,she's the lady that sells ready to be fried,cooked,or boiled food.She's a pro at anything that involves a pot"
"Very intresting.You know what?Time to show you how to spend the night before Eid properly."
"Lets book it to the café"
Hadi 's idea of a café was strange to Sophie,she reached an old building with old men playing cards and young men smoking hooka,and there were cheers coming from inside.
"What's going on inside"
"Two words:Story Teller.I know this might sound weird to me,but I love the story teller here.Always fires you up."
"Looks fun!Lets go!"
They both enjoyed the evening drinking coffee while listening to the Story teller's reading of "The Sesame Seller".It was truly a night they'll never forget.

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