Part 1 (Saero)

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He awoke curled up at the end of Damien's bed and looked around whilst he twitched his sensitive, fluffy ears,  as he listened to the sounds of human life outside and to Damien's soft breaths. He got up slowly and got down from the bed, leaving Damien to sleep peacefully, and he sat by the window and looked down onto the streets. Damien groaned in annoyance as his alarm went off, he quickly turned it off and sat up, while he rubbed the sleep out of his pale green eyes. Damien slowly looked over at Saero before he chuckled, ''you watching people there?''. He responded instantly by getting up and he wagged his tail trying to act more dog like.

Damien rubbed his head softly and got up, heading to the kitchen to make breakfast for himself and Saero. Saero found himself laid up by his food bowl  as he watched Damien, as Damien made cereal for himself and put the leftover chicken and rice into Saero's food bowl. They both ate their breakfast calmly and then both headed to the front room, Damien sat on the sofa and put on a movie, while Saero jumped up onto the sofa and instantly curled up on Damien's lap. Damien softly stroked Saero's soft fur, which earned a low rumbling purr from Saero.

Damien spent the rest of the day cuddled up with Saero ,who's been in wolf form this whole time, and watched movies whilst he also finished work on his laptop. Saero nuzzled closer into Damien who was on the phone as he ordered himself pizza, he didn't have the patience to cook, Damien gets up to put food in Saero's bowl for him.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 04, 2020 ⏰

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