Dreamer (ImperfectPsychotic04) wk-7

15 4 2


Before the seven tributary tides came crashing over my life,

Before I knew I could instil my hope in the flag of rainbow and white.

Hastening its pace, the waves and the stormy stored sentient to make prosper;

I was pulled apart, seething to scorch my skills like gold from the base of my platter.

After I learned the way of patience in an island cave that I thought was unrelenting,

After I polished my armour like aura to withstand the calamity onto the shore of my dreams.

Salvaging myself just to find my harbour of interest,

Below the easel heart of my psyche.

I grew ever so slightly like the Sun,

After a day's errand and mighty.

To sing and write and share my voice,

Billowed into my mainstream like a starry determination insight.

To help people all around with kindness and pride;

In a world that we have created from stardust combined.

I wish to fly, and soar high with this enchanting vessel for my plight;

Sailing away, displaced with ardour and blossomed to love.

Ambient in my strive to achieve my aspirations only,

Prepared to go past the limitations and achieve beyond my failures.

I am a dreamer born to rival myself like a river,

Flowing against the oceanarium tide as an endeavour towards my future.

As long as I can float and make it clear,

Nothing can stop me from conquering my fears.

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